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Tag Archives: tampa criminal attorney
Tampa Attorneys
Blick Law Firm offers a wide array of legal services to help serve the public including Personal Injury, Criminal Law, Real Estate, and Bankruptcy; we also provide help in Family and Probate Law matters. As a result, our blog topics range from auto accidents to short sales.
Grounded in Christian values, Blick Law Firm strives to not only meet the legal needs of its clients and their families, but also to provide physical and emotional support. We treat each client equally and with the utmost respect; offering high-quality legal representation and counsel to those who need us most. We pride ourselves on our motto of Helping the Hurting, and reach out to the community in a variety of ways.
Our website provides useful information on our blog that may be helpful in addressing your legal concerns; additionally, we offer details about our services aimed at providing reassurance that your legal needs will be handled effectively. With over 25 years of knowledge and practice, including a broad range of trial and courtroom experience, we will work hard for you.
If you or a loved one have legal concerns and are seeking quality legal representation, call Blick Law Firm today at (813) 931-0840. Schedule a free 15-minute consultation with attorney Michael Blickensderfer. Think quick, call Blick.
Posted in Bankruptcy, Blog, Criminal Law, Personal Injury, Real Estate
Tagged abogado en tampa, abogados lawyers, attorney tampa, attorneys tampa, bankruptcy attorney, christian attorneys, christian lawyer, find a lawyer, lawyer free consultation, lawyer search, lawyers in tampa, real estate attorney tampa, tampa accident attorney, tampa attorneys, tampa bankruptcy attorney, tampa criminal attorney, tampa defense attorney, tampa dui attorneys, tampa florida attorneys, tampa personal injury attorney
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Florida Trespass Law
Trespass is commonly understood as entering upon the property of someone else without their invitation or authorization to do so. In Florida, statute section 810.09 allows property owners or authorized representatives to remove anyone they wish from the premises for any reason. This law is often times enforced within public establishments and has raised a concern of legalized discrimination.
Under the trespass statute, a person commits a first degree misdemeanor if they defy an order to leave, personally communicated to them by the owner of the premises or by an authorized person, or if the person willfully opens any door, fence, or gate or does any act that exposes animals, crops, or other property to waste, destruction, or freedom; unlawfully dumps litter on property; or trespasses on property other than a structure or conveyance. For misdemeanor trespass, possible penalties include:
- Up to 60 days in jail;
- Up to 6 months of probation, and;
- Up to $500 in fines.
Under certain circumstances in Florida the charge can even be enhanced to a third degree felony with elevated penalties.
There are several viable defenses to a charge of trespass and it is important to consult with an experienced criminal defense attorney in the event you are arrested for trespassing. If you or a loved have been arrested for trespassing, call Blick Law Firm today and schedule a free 15-minute consultation with attorney Michael Blickensderfer.
Posted in Blog, Criminal Law
Tagged abogados en tampa, blick law firm, carrollwood, christian attorney, criminal attorney florida, dui attorney tampa, fl laws, florida criminal attorney, florida criminal law, florida criminal lawyer, florida laws, laws in florida, tampa criminal attorney, tampa criminal lawyer, tampa dui lawyer, trespass warning florida, trespassing florida, trespassing in florida
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Juvenile Crimes in Florida
In Florida, persons under the age of 18 are considered minors and tried as juveniles for crimes they commit rather than as adults. The distinction in Florida, as in all states, is made to separate offenses perpetrated by those under a certain age determined as the age of majority. In certain cases, the court will still sentence a juvenile as an adult depending on the severity of the crime committed.
In contrast to the objective to punish adults for their crimes, the state seeks to rehabilitate juveniles and prevent future misconduct. With the focus of juvenile justice set on rehabilitation, the courts seek to assist minors in functioning properly in a normal adult society. However, many juveniles face strict sentences for their crimes, and often times detainment of the juvenile can last for extended periods.
Many people expect juveniles to receive a slap on the wrist for their offenses, but courts often times attempt to deliver a strong message to youths in order to enforce a positive awareness of the consequences of their decisions.
If your minor child has been arrested for a crime and you have questions or concerns about their rights, call Blick Law Firm today at (813) 931-0840. Schedule a free 15-minute consultation with attorney Michael Blickensderfer.
Posted in Blog, Criminal Law
Tagged abogados, abogados en tampa, blick law firm, carrollwood attorney, carrollwood businesses, carrollwood real estate, christian attorney, christian law firm, christian lawyer, criminal attorney in florida, criminal florida lawyer, dui lawyer tampa, florida juvenile justice, juvenile and crime, juvenile crime, juvenile crimes, juvenile justice, juveniles and crime, juveniles crimes, michael c blickensderfer, statistics for juvenile crime, tampa criminal attorney, tampa dui lawyer, tampa law firm, what are juvenile crimes, what is a juvenile crime
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Shopping around for an attorney? Choose wisely!
When shopping around for a Tampa attorney online, many consumers first instinct would be to choose the lowest rates that an attorney will offer. However, going for a cheap rate attorney may not be the best strategy.
In the economy today, competitive advantage makes it easy for a consumer to find the best for the cheapest price. However, when it comes to legal counseling, many times that is not the case.
When “shopping” around for an attorney, cheaper is not always better. Here are a few tips to look for when you are searching the internet for a Tampa lawyer.
1) Cost. Comparing cost is very important and of course should weigh into your decision making. In this economy, finding an attorney willing to give their clients payment plans, if appropriate can seal the deal when it comes to retaining an attorney.
2) Experience. Do a little research on the attorney you are seeking and check his background. An attorney has been practicing for one month will more than likely not be as capable as an attorney that has been in practice for 10 years. Having an attorney with experience will add value to your case and will allow the experts to takeover, ensuring you relief in whichever situation you may be facing
Attorney, Michael C. Blickensderfer has been in practice for over 25 years. His experience includes serving as a prosecutor both in Florida and in Long Island. In the past he served in cases dealing with narcotics, Medicaid fraud, and DUI offenses within New York City. He has also served as a Public Defender, practicing criminal law within the felony division in Tampa, Florida. Other legal experience includes real estate, family law, criminal defense, social security and labor law.
Mr. Blickensderfer’s background includes courtroom and trial experience, both in criminal and civil cases.
3) Licensed. Many times an attorney may practice in more than one state. An attorney that has more than one license is well-versed in legal laws, statutes and legal systems.
Attorney Michael C. Blickensderfer is licensed to practice law in Florida, New York and New Jersey. Having such a diverse familiarity of the legal system allows him to provide his clients with expert knowledge earned through many years of study.
4) Ethics. When hiring an attorney clients’ seeking to get best results may lean towards a hard, cut-throat lawyer. However, rather than choosing based on commercial ads of what an attorney portrays themselves to be, check resources. Retaining an attorney based on integrity and moral standards may be the wiser choice.
Our Mission: Blick Law Firm‘s mission is “Helping the Hurting.” Grounded as a Christian law firm and following Christian values, the firm strives to not only meet the legal needs of its clients and their families, but also to provide physical and emotional support. We treat each client equally and with the utmost respect, offering high-quality legal representation and counsel to those who need us most.
If you are looking to retain a low-priced attorney, more than likely you will get what you pay for. Be sure to do what is best for you and your situation. Don’t sell yourself short by only considering the financial perspective. Instead, consider the overall situation, such as, the level of experience, morals and values brought to both you and your case by the attorney you choose to retain.
Call Blick Law Firm today and speak with us at 813-931-0840. We offer free case evaluation and want to strive to not only assist with your immediate legal needs, but assist for results that will make for a blessed and prosperous future!
Posted in Blog, Criminal Law, Foreclosure Defense, Personal Injury, Real Estate
Tagged abogados en tampa, abogados tampa, attorney in tampa, attorney in tampa fl, bankruptcy attorney tampa, blick law firm, carrollwood, carrollwood attorney, carrollwood law firm, christian attorney, christian law firm, christian lawyer tampa, criminal attorney, michael c blickensderfer, military lawyer, tampa attorney, tampa criminal attorney, tampa criminal attorneys, tampa defense attorney
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Tampa X-ray machine on steriods stops arrestees from putting just anything in their body
Hard to swallow, but now, easy to find:
Tampa- Local county jails experience some interesting findings during old-fashioned strip searches. However cause for concern reveals that a strip search can not hide everything. That is why there is the Secure Pass.
In Pasco County Jail recent arrestee, Sherese Hutchinson was found with a syringe, five baggies and a piece of tin foil, all inside her body.
Many who are booked for jail try to bring things of the outside world with them whether it be drugs or weapons. But the new Secure Pass should limit this problem.
“This is an x-ray machine on steroids,” remarked Sheriff Chris Nocco.
The x-ray machine scanner shows images that appears on a screen within the jail’s booking area, and within a few hours any suspected drug smugglers will be caught.
This year, two dozen cases of people trying to sneak drugs into the jail have been investigated.
The Secure Pass cost $195,000, and ironically, it was paid for with money seized from drug dealers.