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Tag Archives: tampa dui attorneys
Tampa Attorneys
Blick Law Firm offers a wide array of legal services to help serve the public including Personal Injury, Criminal Law, Real Estate, and Bankruptcy; we also provide help in Family and Probate Law matters. As a result, our blog topics range from auto accidents to short sales.
Grounded in Christian values, Blick Law Firm strives to not only meet the legal needs of its clients and their families, but also to provide physical and emotional support. We treat each client equally and with the utmost respect; offering high-quality legal representation and counsel to those who need us most. We pride ourselves on our motto of Helping the Hurting, and reach out to the community in a variety of ways.
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If you or a loved one have legal concerns and are seeking quality legal representation, call Blick Law Firm today at (813) 931-0840. Schedule a free 15-minute consultation with attorney Michael Blickensderfer. Think quick, call Blick.
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DUI conviction remains on your record for life!
No one can drink alcohol and still drive safely. Drinking and driving causes accidents and deaths every day and therefore the penalties in Florida are tough.
If you drink and drive the result may be:
- Jail time
- Loss of your Florida drivers’ license
- Heavy fines
- Increased auto insurance rates
A conviction will stay on your Florida driving record for life.
If it is going to stay on your record, why hire a DUI criminal attorney? While the conviction can not be dismissed, a DUI attorney advocates on behalf of the client for a better outcome, which will impact life as it relates to school, work, insurance rates, etc.
Florida has a Zero Tolerance law for drivers under 21. This means that any driver under 21 that is stopped by law enforcement and has a blood alcohol level of .02 or higher will automatically have their Florida drivers’ license suspended for 6 months. The .02 limit really means that you cannot have a single drink and then drive.
For drivers over 21 the legal limit in Florida is .08. Regardless of your age be aware that drinking and driving is a serious offense. Below summarizes the penalties in the state of Florida for a first offense DUI.
Florida Penalties for DUI First Conviction:
- Fine – $250 to $500
- Community Service – 50 Hours
- Probation – Not more than 1 Year
- Imprisonment – Not more than 6 Months
- Imprisonment with BAL of .08 or higher with a minor in the vehicle, not more than 9 months
- License Revocation – Minimum of 180 days
- DUI School – 12 Hours
For more information regarding Florida DUI conviction’s penalties and seeking legal representation to better the outcome of your situation, contact Blick Law Firm today! 813-931-0840.
Posted in Blog, DUI
Tagged abogados tampa, blick law firm, carrollwood, carrollwood attorney, christian attorney, christian law firm, christian lawyer, criminal defense attorneys, criminal defense lawyer, criminal defense lawyers, dui attorney, DUI attorneys, dui defense attorneys, dui first offense, dui in florida, dui penalties in florida, florida dui attorney, penalties for dui, penalties for dui in florida, punishment for dui, tampa christian lawyer, tampa dui attorney, tampa dui attorneys
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