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Tag Archives: real estate attorney tampa
Real Estate: What is Title Insurance?
Title insurance is a rarely understood protection necessary when purchasing a new home or property. Contrary to other forms of insurance that protect against future loss or damage, Title Insurance protects against past events that may cause loss or damage after the purchase of new property due to a failure or defect of the title.
When purchasing Title Insurance, the title company will conduct a search of public land records to discover potential matters affecting the title of the property. Common issues include: improperly prepared deeds, open mortgages, wills, probate proceedings, outstanding judgments or tax liens against the property or individuals, covenants and restrictions, and easements. After the records search, the buyer is then issued the Title Insurance.
While the records search conducted by the title company is generally exhaustive, many problems can still exist and affect the validity of the title. Disputes can still arise due to mistakes in the public record, previously undisclosed heirs claiming to own the property, and fraud…. These hidden hazards do exist, and Title Insurance will protect you against these potential problems and pay for any legal fees involved in defending a claim.
It is important to not only seek a title company for protection when purchasing a new home, but also making sure that the title company has an experienced and competent real estate attorney.
A real estate lawyer that handles and serves clients in title services is able to take legal action as needed to protect clients from any future problems that may arise. An attorney can properly analyze your housing situation to handle any issues, insuring you and your loved ones a secure real estate closing for your new home.
At Blick Law Firm we provide title insurance and escrow services to clients throughout the entire State of Florida. Call us today at 813-931-0840. Make an appointment for a free 15 minute consultation with attorney Michael Blickensderfer. Blick Law Firm seeks to help the hurting and those in need. Think quick, call Blick!
Posted in Blog, Real Estate
Tagged abogados, abogados en tampa, abogados tampa, blick law firm, carrollwood attorney, carrollwood law firm, christian attorney, christian law association, christian lawyers, foreclosure defense, home affordable, michael c blickensderfer, real estate attorney tampa, real estate attorneys, real estate law, real estate lawyers, tampa lawyer, tampa real estate lawyer, title company, title insurance, title insurance company, title search, what is title insurance
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Florida Auto Accident Claims
Parties to an accident are often times contacted by insurance companies in an attempt to get personal injury victims to settle an injury claim quickly, and for a non-negotiated amount. Before a settlement offer is even discussed, it is extremely important to first know the extent of your injuries.
Usually, the severity of damage sustained in an accident is not easily determined, and in many cases an injured party may suffer soft tissue or latent injuries that do not arise until much later. However, once a settlement agreement is made and tendered, an injured party releases all further rights to recovery for injuries related to that particular incident.
If you are involved in an auto accident, it is always important to first seek medical attention. After an auto accident, it is best to go immediately to the hospital or other treatment facility to determine the extent of your injuries and pinpoint the necessary steps of rehabilitation that might be required.
Secondly, an injured party should always contact an auto accident attorney for legal consultation and general information on how to proceed following an accident. In the event an insurance company contacts you regarding your injury claim, do not offer any recorded statements without first consulting with an attorney.
If you or a loved one have been in an accident and need legal advice, call Blick Law Firm today at (813) 931-0840. Schedule a free 15-minute consultation with attorney Michael Blickensderfer. Think quick, call Blick!
Posted in Blog, Personal Injury
Tagged abogado en tampa, abogados lawyers, accident attorney, accident attorneys, attorneys auto accidents, attorneys tampa, auto accident attorneys, auto accident injury, auto accident law firm, auto accident lawyer, auto accidents attorney auto accident, blick law firm, carrollwood, carrollwood attorney, carrollwood law firm, christian attorneys, christian lawyer, injury claim, michael c blickensderfer, personal injury, personal injury attorney, personal injury firms, personal injury law, personal injury lawyer, personal injury lawyer attorney, personal injury lawyers, pregnancy, real estate attorney tampa, tampa accident attorney, tampa florida attorneys, tampa personal injury attorney
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Effects of an Auto Accident while Pregnant
Auto accidents can be devastating, and injuries sustained in an accident can begin a timeline of treatment and therapy that can take months to complete. In the event an injured party is pregnant, more complications obviously arise.
It is important to understand the possible trauma that can occur to a pregnant person in an auto accident, and the effect it could have on a fetus. Physical trauma can include negative effects such as Placental Separation, Bleeding, Premature Labor, and may even require an Emergency C-section to be performed.
Emotional trauma as a result of an accident can also have negative reaching effects on a pregnancy. The stress that results from involvement in an auto accident can cause pre-term labor, and negatively affect the health of the fetus. It is especially important to see a doctor following an auto accident in order to assess any potential trauma, as well as seek legal counsel pertaining to the potential claim for you and your unborn child. Signs of negative effects to the health of the fetus may include dizziness, fainting, vomiting, headaches, and stomach pain.
If you or a loved one are involved in an auto accident and have questions or concerns regarding recovery for your injuries, call Blick Law Firm today at (813) 931-0840.Call to schedule a free 15-minute consultation with attorney Michael Blickensderfer.
Posted in Blog, Personal Injury
Tagged abogado en tampa, abogados lawyers, accident attorneys, attorneys auto accidents, attorneys tampa, auto accident attorneys, auto accident injury, auto accident law firm, auto accident lawyer, auto accidents attorney auto accident, blick law firm, car accident pregnant, car accident while pregnant, carrollwood, carrollwood attorney, carrollwood law firm, christian attorneys, christian lawyer, find a lawyer, lawyers auto accident, lawyers in tampa, loss of unborn child, michael c blickensderfer, pregnancy, real estate attorney tampa, tampa accident attorney, tampa florida attorneys, tampa personal injury attorney
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Tampa Attorneys
Blick Law Firm offers a wide array of legal services to help serve the public including Personal Injury, Criminal Law, Real Estate, and Bankruptcy; we also provide help in Family and Probate Law matters. As a result, our blog topics range from auto accidents to short sales.
Grounded in Christian values, Blick Law Firm strives to not only meet the legal needs of its clients and their families, but also to provide physical and emotional support. We treat each client equally and with the utmost respect; offering high-quality legal representation and counsel to those who need us most. We pride ourselves on our motto of Helping the Hurting, and reach out to the community in a variety of ways.
Our website provides useful information on our blog that may be helpful in addressing your legal concerns; additionally, we offer details about our services aimed at providing reassurance that your legal needs will be handled effectively. With over 25 years of knowledge and practice, including a broad range of trial and courtroom experience, we will work hard for you.
If you or a loved one have legal concerns and are seeking quality legal representation, call Blick Law Firm today at (813) 931-0840. Schedule a free 15-minute consultation with attorney Michael Blickensderfer. Think quick, call Blick.
Posted in Bankruptcy, Blog, Criminal Law, Personal Injury, Real Estate
Tagged abogado en tampa, abogados lawyers, attorney tampa, attorneys tampa, bankruptcy attorney, christian attorneys, christian lawyer, find a lawyer, lawyer free consultation, lawyer search, lawyers in tampa, real estate attorney tampa, tampa accident attorney, tampa attorneys, tampa bankruptcy attorney, tampa criminal attorney, tampa defense attorney, tampa dui attorneys, tampa florida attorneys, tampa personal injury attorney
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Pedestrian Safety, A Florida Problem
Florida leads the country in pedestrian deaths each year, and this statistic has become a major concern for the Florida Department of Transportation. According to an annual study by nonprofit organization Transportation for America, Florida includes four of the five most dangerous metropolitan areas in the country for pedestrians and bikers…. and the Tampa area is listed as number two.
Under Florida Law, drivers are required to come to a complete STOP when approaching a pedestrian cross-walk. However, many cross-walk signs do not notify motorists of their obligation to stop, and most drivers interpret cross-walk signs as a notice to YIELD to pedestrians. This misinformation creates a dangerous miscommunication between driver and pedestrian, and has led to many fatal and life-altering personal injury accidents.
While laws are in place to protect pedestrians from motorists, Florida law also maintains that pedestrians have an obligation to be responsible and cognizant of their surroundings when utilizing the roadways. Among the factors contributing to the increased pedestrian death in Florida is a lack of awareness by both motorists and pedestrians. As a result, it is important to stay educated about the potential safety hazards while walking, biking, and driving on Florida roadways. Unfortunately for many people, roadway safety concerns are not fully appreciated until disaster hits close to home.
If you, or your family have been a victim of a personal injury accident call Blick Law firm at (813) 931-0840 to learn about your rights. Schedule an appointment today for a free case evaluation with Attorney Michael Blickensderfer. Think quick, call Blick!
Posted in Blog, Personal Injury
Tagged abogados, abogados en tampa, abogados tampa, accident attorney, accident lawyer, accident lawyers, blick law firm, car accident injury, car accident lawyer, car accident lawyers, car accidents, car injury, carrollwood attorney, carrollwood law firm, christian attorney, christian law association, christian lawyers, michael c blickensderfer, pedestrian accident, pedestrian death, pedestrian injuries, pedestrian injury lawyer, pedestrian killed in tampa, pedestrian safety, real estate attorney tampa, road accidents
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