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Tag Archives: criminal defense lawyer
Sealing and Expunction: Application to Remove Criminal Record
The consequences for being arrested and charged with a criminal offense extend beyond just the criminal penalties associated with the particular charge; they can also impact your job opportunities, reputation in the community, future earnings, and can even affect personal relationships. In the information age we live in today, details about arrests, charges, and even convictions are readily accessible to the public at large….even if the charges were ultimately dropped or dismissed!
As a remedy for first time criminal offenders, expunction and sealing are available to remove the traces of certain criminal charges. Florida Statutes 943.0585 and 943.059, set forth the criteria that must be met in order to be eligible to have an adult criminal history record sealed or expunged.
It is important to consult with an experienced attorney regarding any questions you may have relating to sealing and expunction, and whether these options are available for your particular situation. Certain offenses are not eligible for expunction; likewise, there are specific guidelines relating to the entered plea and final disposition of the criminal matter that may prevent eligibility for sealing or expunction.
If you or a loved one have been arrested or charged with a crime, have had criminal charges dropped or dismissed and would like to seal or expunge the criminal record, call Blick Law Firm today at (813)931-0840. Think quick, call Blick.
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Tagged accident law firm, accident law firms, accident lawyer, background check free, bankruptcy law firm, blick law, blick law firm tampa, car accident attorney, christian immigration lawyers, christian lawyers, christian lawyers association, criminal background checks, criminal defense lawyer, expunging a felony, expunging records in florida, florida law firm, free background check, free background checks, how to expunge, immigration law firm, immigration lawyer, injury law firms, law firm in tampa, michael c blickensderfer, personal injury law firm, personal injury law firms, real estate lawyer, tampa attorney, tampa law firm
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What an Immigration Attorney can do for you?
What an Immigration Attorney can do for you?
- Complete the necessary immigration forms properly
- Understand and explain the complexity involved in United States Immigration matters
- Ensure compliance with strict immigration regulations
- Give you the peace of mind that your immigration matter is being handled by a professional
If you or a loved one is in need of immigration services, or if you live or work in the United States before you have been granted the proper legal authorization, you may face deportation and should seek legal assistance to protect your rights.
We are dedicated to helping the hurting. We help our clients to fulfill their immigration objectives and obtain the legal authorization to live or work in the United States.
Apply for deferred action for Childhood Arrivals (D.A.C.A.) Today!
You can qualify for D.A.C.A. if you: arrived to the United States before turning 16 years old; you were under the age of 31 as of June 15, 2012; you are currently in school; or, you have been living in the U.S. for the last 5 years.
Que puede hacer un abogado de immigración para usted?
- Completar los formularios de immigración necesarios correctamente
- Entender y explicar la complejidad involucrada en asuntos de immigración de los Estados Unidos
- Garantizar el cumplimiento de las normas estrictas de immigracion
- Darle la tranquilidad de que su asunto de immigración, está siendo manejado por un profesional
Si usted o un ser querido necesita los servicios de immigracion, o si vive o trabaja en los Estados Unidos antes de que usted se le haya otorgado la autorización legal correspondiente , puede enfrentar la deportación y debe buscar ayuda legal para proteger sus derechos.
Somos un bufete dedicado a ayudar al herido. Ayudamos a nuestros clientes para cumplir con sus objetivos de immigración y obtener la autorización legal para vivir o trabajar en los Estados Unidos.
Evite La Deportacion
Aplique para accion deferida de llegada de menores!
Tu puedes calificar para el D.A.C.A si llegaste a los Estados Unidos antes de cumplir los 16 años de edad, y eres menor de 31 años; a partir del 15 de Junio del 2012; si usted está actualmente en la escuela; o ha estado viviendo en los Estados Unidos durante los últimos cinco años.
Posted in Blog, Immigration, Spanish
Tagged attorneys at law, blick law firm, call blick, christian attorney, christian bankruptcy lawyers, christian lawyers, christian lawyers association, criminal defense lawyer, dont deport me, helping the hurting, illegal immigrant, illegal immigrants, immigration attorney, immigration in america, immigration laws, immigration lawyer, immigration lawyers, immigration news, immigration services, law firm, michael c blickensderfer, neighborhood christian lawyer, new immigration law, personal injury lawyer, think quick, united states immigration, us immigration, usa immigration, what is immigration
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Personal Injury Auto Accidents
Auto accidents can be devastating, and injuries sustained in an accident can begin a timeline of treatment and therapy that can take months to complete. If you are involved in an auto accident, it is always important to know what steps to undertake to protect yourself and your potential personal injury case.
If you are involved in an auto accident, it is critical to first seek medical attention. After an auto accident, it is best to go immediately to the hospital or other treatment facility to determine the extent of your injuries and pinpoint the necessary steps of rehabilitation that might be required.
If the injuries sustained in the accident are not severe or life threatening, it is important to gather necessary information about the accident for purposes of supporting your potential legal suit. Important information to gather includes:
Identification of all occupants: including names, phone numbers, addresses and even emails.
Photos of the Damage: photograph all damages, including both vehicle and surrounding property damage.
Photos of the Accident Scene: photograph any debris, skid marks and also the position of the vehicles involved in the collision; and
Information of Responding Officer(s) and Ambulance: Request any and all identifying information on the officer(s) and Ambulance that respond to the incident
Injured parties should also always contact an attorney for legal consultation and general information on how to proceed following an accident. In the event an insurance company contacts you regarding your injury claim, do not offer any recorded statements without first consulting with an attorney.
If you or a loved one have been in an accident and need legal advice, call Blick Law Firm today at (813) 931-0840 . Schedule a free 15-minute consultation with attorney Michael Blickensderfer.
Posted in Blog, Personal Injury
Tagged accident attorneys, accident law firm, accident law firms, accident lawyer, attorney personal injury, bankruptcy law firm, blick law, blick law firm, blick law firm tampa, car accident attorney, christian immigration lawyers, christian lawyers, christian lawyers association, criminal defense lawyer, florida law firm, helping the hurting, immigration law firm, immigration lawyer, injury law firms, law firm in tampa, lawyer personal injury, michael c blickensderfer, personal injury, personal injury accident, personal injury attorney, personal injury attorneys, personal injury auto, personal injury law, personal injury law firm, personal injury law firms, personal injury lawyer, personal injury lawyers, real estate lawyer, tampa attorney, tampa law firm;
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Blick Law Firm is Helping the Hurting
Blick Law Firm offers a wide array of legal services to help serve the public including Personal Injury, Criminal Law, Real Estate, and Bankruptcy; we also provide help in Family and Probate Law matters. We are now servicing Immigration legal needs as well. As a result, our blog topics range from auto accidents to short sales.
Grounded in Christian values, Blick Law Firm strives to not only meet the legal needs of its clients and their families, but also to provide physical and emotional support. We treat each client equally and with the utmost respect, offering high-quality legal representation and counsel to those who need us most. We pride ourselves on our motto of Helping the Hurting, and reach out to the community in a variety of ways.
With a reputation built on professionalism, service, and integrity we enjoy long-standing relationships with our clients. We will pursue your case with exceptional service. We pride ourselves with being able to assist your needs, even if you are not able to come to us. Our exceptional staff offers many years of experience and is constantly up-to-date with current legal news and training to make sure your case is properly handled.
Our website provides useful information on our blog that may be helpful in addressing your legal concerns. Additionally, we offer details about our services aimed at providing reassurance that your legal needs will be handled effectively. With over 25 years of knowledge and practice, including a broad range of trial and courtroom experience, we will work hard for you.
If you or a loved one have legal concerns and are seeking quality legal representation, call Blick Law Firm today at (813) 931-0840. Schedule a free 15-minute consultation with attorney Michael Blickensderfer. Think quick, call Blick.
Posted in Bankruptcy, Blog, Criminal Law, Foreclosure Defense, Personal Injury, Real Estate
Tagged accident law firm, accident law firms, accident lawyer, bankruptcy law firm, blick law, blick law firm tampa, car accident attorney, christian immigration lawyers, christian lawyers, christian lawyers association, criminal defense lawyer, florida law firm, immigration law firm, immigration lawyer, injury law firms, law firm in tampa, michael c blickensderfer, personal injury law firm, personal injury law firms, real estate lawyer, tampa attorney, tampa law firm
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Arrested Over the New Year?
During the transition into the New Year, most people spend extra time celebrating with friends and family. However, every New Year people tend to get carried away in their celebrations and face the risk of being arrested. Due to an increased tendency to behave irresponsibly during these festive times, arrests for DUI, trespass, disorderly conduct, and various alcohol related offenses tend to increase accordingly. It is important to remember to always be responsible during and after New Year’s celebrations, but also to be aware of your rights in the event that you are arrested.
When confronted by police, people often become nervous because they are unsure if they may be in violation of some ordinance or law. The difference between merely being detained by police and arrested creates different limitations to your rights. It is important to understand what you can do. Police may stop you, and it is not considered an arrest if you are just briefly detained.
A detainment occurs when an officer stops and questions a person of interest, generally for a shorter period of time, and requires less than “probable cause” to make a detainment. An officer can detain anyone if they have a “reasonable suspicion” that the person committed or was involved in any criminal activity.
In the event you are stopped for questioning, it is important to remain calm, be polite, keep your hands visible at all times, and do not attempt to flee. You do have the right to remain silent, however, it is best to identify yourself first and then notify the officer that you are exercising your right to silence.
If you are unsure of the situation, you can ask the officer why you have been detained and if you are under arrest. If at that time you are not under arrest, you have the right to leave. If the officer proceeds to arrest you, you have the right to speak to a Criminal Defense Attorney.
An arrest occurs only upon a determination of “probable cause”, this means the officer must have more than just a “suspicion”, the officer must have a “reasonable belief” that you committed a crime. Once the arrest is made, an officer can lawfully conduct a search incident to arrest of your person for weapons, evidence, and contraband. At this point, the officer can hold you in jail for up to 24 hours or until a warrant is issued for the charges.
Anytime you are stopped and arrested it is important to quickly consult a Criminal Attorney regarding your rights and advice on what you should do. If you have been arrested for a criminal offense, or even issued a citation for a traffic violation, call Blick Law Firm today at (813) 931-0840 to schedule an appointment for a free 15 minute consultation with attorney Michael Blickensderfer. Think quick, call Blick!
Posted in Blog, Criminal Law
Tagged abogados, abogados en tampa, abogados tampa, accident attorney, accident lawyer, attorney, blick law firm, carrollwood attorney, carrollwood law firm, christian attorney, christian law association, christian lawyers, criminal charges, criminal defense, criminal defense attorney, criminal defense lawyer, criminal law, criminal law firm, criminal law firms, defence lawyer, defense attorney, find a criminal defense attorney, florida criminal defense attorney, holiday at new year, holidays new years, michael c blickensderfer, new year holiday, new year holidays
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Florida Domestic Violence Awareness
Domestic Violence is a serious criminal offense that occurs frequently in Florida, and the sensitive nature of the offense is sometimes diminished by a misconception that it is often falsely reported. However, the U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics considers Domestic Violence to be one of the most chronically underreported crimes, and according to reports it is estimated that 85 % of Domestic Violence victims are women
Domestic Violence is statutorily defined in Florida as “any assault, aggravated assault, battery, aggravated battery, sexual assault, sexual battery, stalking, aggravated stalking, kidnapping, false imprisonment, or any criminal offense resulting in physical injury or death of one family or household member by another family or household member.”
Incidents of Domestic Violence effect Floridians daily, and according to the Florida Coalition Against Domestic Violence, the following Domestic Violence statistics took place between 2010 and 2011 alone:
- 113,378 crimes of domestic violence were reported to Florida law enforcement agencies resulting in 67,810 arrests.
- Florida’s certified domestic violence centers provided 477,489 nights of emergency shelter to 15,789 survivors of domestic violence and their children.
- Advocates created 87,474 tailored safety plans, provided a total of 484,950 hours of outreach and counseling services, and answered 130,393 domestic violence hotline calls from individual seeking emergency services, information, and safety planning assistance.
Domestic Violence continues to be a growing problem that effects all genders, all races, and all ages. Additionally, the effect on children who witness incidents of Domestic Violence is extensive; and families must be made aware of the trauma, and life altering consequences that can occur due to exposure to Domestic Violence.
If you or a loved one have been a victim of Domestic Violence and need help, call Blick Law Firm today at 813-931-0840. Schedule a free 15 minute consultation with attorney Michael Blickensderfer.
Posted in Blog, Criminal Law, Personal Injury
Tagged abogados, abogados en tampa, abogados tampa, carrollwood attorney, carrollwood law firm, christian attorney, christian law association, christian lawyers, criminal charges, criminal defense, criminal defense attorney, criminal defense lawyer, criminal law, criminal law firm, criminal law firms, domestic violence, domestic violence attorney, domestic violence awareness month, domestic violence facts, domestic violence florida, domestic violence laws, domestic violence lawyer, domestic violence lawyers, domestic violence statistics, effects of domestic violence, find a criminal defense attorney, florida criminal defense attorney, laws on domestic violence, license plate search, michael c blickensderfer, statistics of domestic violence, statistics on domestic violence, victims of domestic violence
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