Tag Archives: car accident attorney

Car Accident | Damages | Personal Injury

Personal injury claims may involve major injuries to you and your loved ones.

Typical injuries sustained in automobile accidents may include: soft tissue injuries or whiplash caused from the incident, causing damage to ligaments and muscles.

Other more serious types of injuries may also include: herniated or ruptured disks in the spine, as well as possible broken bones, severe wounds, or even death.

In the event that you or a loved one have been injured from the cause of another parties negligence, you should seek to hire a personal injury attorney to represent you in your claim and help you with your road to recovery.

Blick Law Firm specializes in the practice of personal injury law with over 25 years legal experience. Attorney, Michael C. Blickensderfer is licensed in the entire state of Florida, New York and New Jersey. As well, Mr. Blickensderfer is a former prosecutor and former marine operating a Christian-based law firm in the Tampa Bay Community.

Call Blick Law Firm today at (813) 931-0840. Schedule a free 15-minute consultation with attorney Michael Blickensderfer.

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Personal Injury Attorney Talks New Expansion Summer 2013

Published on May 15, 2013

Thank you for watching Minute with Mike, free legal advice answered by attorney Michael C. Blickensderfer every Wednesday at Noon.

Today’s topic: Tampa Bay Law Firm Expansion

Blick Law Firm is currently at 4351 Gunn Highway, but will be moving this summer just down the road! Our new location will be the main location to assist clients in an array of services: Personal Injury, Immigration, Real Estate, Bankruptcy and Criminal Law.

We will be moving Summer 2013! So be sure to stay tuned on Minute with Mike for upcoming videos regarding our move and open house to the public.

Blick Law Firm has over 25 year’s legal experience in Florida, New York and New Jersey. Seek direction from a Tampa Christian law firm today!

Blick law Firm is a local Tampa Bay legal firm specializing in chapter 7 and chapter 13 bankruptcy, personal injury, criminal and real estate law all across the state of Florida.

The owner, Michael C. Blickensderfer has 25 years legal experience in Florida, New York and New Jersey. Blick Law Firms practice areas include criminal law, DUI/ Traffic, real estate transactions, loan modifications, short sales, foreclosure defense, bankruptcy, title insurance and real estate litigation.

We also serve clients in personal injury, including auto accidents, motorcycle accidents, slip and falls premises liability, dog bites, marine and aviation accidents and wrongful death.

For further information regarding our legal services please visit our website at www.blicklawfirm.com. Former prosecutor, former Marine. Think quick, call Blick!

About Blick Law Firm
Blick law Firm is a local Tampa Bay legal firm specializing in personal injury, criminal and real estate law all across the state of Florida. The owner, Michael C. Blickensderfer, has over 25 years’ legal experience in Florida, New York and New Jersey. Blick Law Firms practice areas include criminal law, DUI/ Traffic, real estate transactions, loan modifications, short sales, foreclosure defense, bankruptcy, title insurance and real estate litigation. We also serve clients in personal injury, including auto accidents, motorcycle accidents, slip and falls premises liability, dog bites, marine and aviation accidents and wrongful death. For further information regarding our legal services please visit our website at www.blicklawfirm.com.

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Hit and Run Accidents

Auto accidents can be devastating, and often times result in not only property damage, but also severe injuries that require extensive medical attention and treatment. The stress and pain associated with automobile accidents can be extensive, and there are many situations when the victims of a car accident cannot afford the medical assistance needed to treat their injuries. To make matters worse, each year motorists across the country become victims of hit and run accidents, and are left devastated by the actions of another driver.

If you have been hit by another driver who fled after the accident, it is important to immediately attempt to gather as much information as possible about the vehicle and/or driver. It is extremely helpful to your case if you can provide a description of the vehicle that hit you, and any identifying information that can be helpful when filing a police report and an accident claim with your auto insurance company.

If you cannot obtain identifying information about the vehicle or other driver, at least write down the location and time of the accident, and as many other details about the sequence of events as you can, including any potential witnesses to the accident, their names, and contact information.

It is very important to contact law enforcement and file a report immediately after the accident; even when it seems like a waste of time due to lack of information about the other driver or incident. Having a police report can be helpful to you when filing the auto claim with your insurance, and memorializing at least some of the details of the incident in writing.

If you or a loved one has been a victim of an auto accident and have questions concerning your rights, call Blick Law Firm today at 813-931-0840 to schedule a free 15 minute consultation with attorney Michael Blickensderfer. Think quick, call Blick!

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Sealing and Expunction: Application to Remove Criminal Record

The consequences for being arrested and charged with a criminal offense extend beyond just the criminal penalties associated with the particular charge; they can also impact your job opportunities, reputation in the community, future earnings, and can even affect personal relationships. In the information age we live in today, details about arrests, charges, and even convictions are readily accessible to the public at large….even if the charges were ultimately dropped or dismissed!

As a remedy for first time criminal offenders, expunction and sealing are available to remove the traces of certain criminal charges. Florida Statutes 943.0585 and 943.059, set forth the criteria that must be met in order to be eligible to have an adult criminal history record sealed or expunged.

It is important to consult with an experienced attorney regarding any questions you may have relating to sealing and expunction, and whether these options are available for your particular situation. Certain offenses are not eligible for expunction; likewise, there are specific guidelines relating to the entered plea and final disposition of the criminal matter that may prevent eligibility for sealing or expunction.

If you or a loved one have been arrested or charged with a crime, have had criminal charges dropped or dismissed and would like to seal or expunge the criminal record, call Blick Law Firm today at (813)931-0840. Think quick, call Blick.

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Texting and Driving

Across the country, distracted driving continues to be a rising cause of automobile accidents and has resulted in numerous fatalities over the past decade. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, over 3,000 people were killed in distracted driving accidents in 2010 alone.

On May 2nd, 2013, the Florida Senate vote was nearly unanimous in favor of the texting and driving bill. The proposed bill cleared the House of Representatives with a 110-6 vote the day before, and has now been sent to the governor for his approval. The new texting and driving law calls for fines of $30 plus costs; as well as additional penalties for subsequent offenses, causing a crash, and/or for texting in school zones.

In an effort to stop texting and cell phone use behind the wheel nationwide, the U.S. Department of Transportation has been encouraging all states to enact tough laws prohibiting the use of cell phones while driving. Furthermore, several celebrities, media sources, and automobile companies have made efforts to raise awareness of the growing problem by reaching out to the community and promoting the dangers that can occur when driving distracted.

If you or a loved has been a victim of an accident involving distracted driving and you have questions concerning your rights, call Blick Law Firm today at (813) 931-0840 and schedule a free 15-minute consultation with attorney Michael Blickensderfer. Think quick, call Blick!

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Personal Injury Auto Accidents

Auto accidents can be devastating, and injuries sustained in an accident can begin a timeline of treatment and therapy that can take months to complete. If you are involved in an auto accident, it is always important to know what steps to undertake to protect yourself and your potential personal injury case.

If you are involved in an auto accident, it is critical to first seek medical attention. After an auto accident, it is best to go immediately to the hospital or other treatment facility to determine the extent of your injuries and pinpoint the necessary steps of rehabilitation that might be required.

If the injuries sustained in the accident are not severe or life threatening, it is important to gather necessary information about the accident for purposes of supporting your potential legal suit. Important information to gather includes:

Identification of all occupants: including names, phone numbers, addresses and even emails.

Photos of the Damage: photograph all damages, including both vehicle and surrounding property damage.

Photos of the Accident Scene: photograph any debris, skid marks and also the position of the vehicles involved in the collision; and

Information of Responding Officer(s) and Ambulance: Request any and all identifying information on the officer(s) and Ambulance that respond to the incident

Injured parties should also always contact an attorney for legal consultation and general information on how to proceed following an accident. In the event an insurance company contacts you regarding your injury claim, do not offer any recorded statements without first consulting with an attorney.

If you or a loved one have been in an accident and need legal advice, call Blick Law Firm today at  (813) 931-0840 . Schedule a free 15-minute consultation with attorney Michael Blickensderfer.

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