Monthly Archives: February 2013

Short Sale Process Tampa

Homeowners are often unsure of what options are available when they reach financial hardship. A short sale is an agreement by a mortgage lender to sell property for an amount lower than the balance owed in order to relieve the buyer of the mortgage obligation.

A short sale can be a helpful tool when trying to avoid foreclosure. Depending on the negotiated amount of the sale and the timeliness of past mortgage payments, a short sale may help avoid the huge hit to your credit score that foreclosure causes. Additionally, short sale participants can later purchase a home in a shorter time than those who foreclose on their property.

A short sale can be completed by finding a buyer to purchase the home who is willing to pay current market value, and having the mortgage provider agree to the sale. Any shortage after the sale will then either be written off by the lender and an IRS 1099 is issued to the seller, or a deficiency remains which the lender may pursue to collect against the seller.

Changes were recently made to help streamline the short sale process including:

  • An expedited short sale approach for borrowers most in need.
  • Lenders will now have the power to quickly and easily qualify certain borrowers who are current on their mortgages for short sales.
  • Lenders will waive the right to pursue deficiency judgments in exchange for a financial contribution when a borrower has sufficient income or assets to make cash contributions or sign promissory notes.

The short sale process can be complicated, and the lender may not be willing to negotiate. It is important to know that a real estate attorney can help negotiate the sale and terms with the mortgage lender and provide you peace of mind that your short sale is being handled by an accountable professional.

If you have legal questions regarding your short sale or you are considering your options, call Blick Law Firm today at (813) 931-0840 to schedule a free 15-minute consultation with attorney Michael Blickensderfer.

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El Capítulo 7de Bancarrota en Tampa

Una Bancarrota del capítulo 7 es una manera útil de descargar la mayoría de las deudas y puede aliviar la carga de acreedor colección intentos.  El Capítulo 7 de la Bancarrota está generalmente disponible cuando el deudor tiene pocas propiedades aparte de las necesidades básicas como muebles y ropa; el deudor tiene dificultad para hacer los pagos de gastos básicos y queda muy poco dinero después de hacerlo. Hoy, muchas personas utilizan la bancarrota como una estrategia para resolver la deuda inmanejable. En los días de hoy , la bancarrota es más común que la mayoría de las personas se dan cuenta y puede ser un refrescante solución a una vida de endeudados.

Capítulo 7 Bancarrota es un procedimiento de liquidación por el que el deudor se vuelca todos los bienes no exentos al síndico de la quiebra que se convierte entonces en efectivo para pagar a los acreedores. Generalmente dentro de cuatro meses el deudor recibe entonces una descarga de todas las deudas descargables. Generalmente, estas deudas descargables incluyen su deuda de tarjeta de crédito, viejas facturas médicas, cuentas de utilidades, préstamos no garantizados, préstamos de día de pago y muchos otros tipos de deuda no asegurada.

La ventaja al capítulo 7 de Bancarrota es que su deuda no sea asegurada o completamente eliminada, el proceso es bastante rápido, y la suspensión automática que ocurre después de la presentación prohíbe a los acreedores haciendo esfuerzos de colección.

Es importante tener en cuenta que mientras la bancarrota del capítulo 7 en última instancia puede aliviar a un deudor de la carga de la deuda no asegurada insuperable, es un proceso que requiere la producción de varios documentos y preparación tediosa. Cuanto más preparado es el deudor, el proceso más transparente se convierte.

Bancarrota es un área compleja de la ley e implica muchas consideraciones, incluyendo si se va a presentar, determinar qué tipo de bancarrota para presentar, el uso de exenciones, entender las protecciones de la bancarrota y utilizarlas para su ventaja.

Sea cual sea su situación, obtener consulta legal de calidad con un abogado  de bancarrota es beneficioso. Contacta con Blick Law Firm hoy al (813) 931-0840. Programe una consulta gratis de 15 minutos con el abogado Michael Blickensderfer para evaluar qué opción es mejor para usted. Piensa rápido, llame a Blick!

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Florida Dog Bite Statute

Dog owners and dog bite victims alike should be aware that Florida maintains a strict liability statute to protect victims of dog attacks. Under Florida Statute 767.04, the owner of a dog that bites another person will be held strictly liable for the damages caused if such person is on or in a public place, or lawfully on or in a private place, including the private property of the owner of the dog.

In Florida, the prior lack of viciousness of the dog is irrelevant, and a dog owner will still be held liable for damages including present and future medical bills, lost wages and future earnings, mental anguish, and destruction of property.

Though the amount of recovery available to the injured party will be reduced by whatever percentage of fault can be attributed to victim’s own actions, dog owners should be aware of their potential strict liability.

Under the Dog Bite Statute, Dog Owners can protect themselves from liability for attacks that occur on their private property. The statute allows for limited protection of dog owners who display in a prominent place, a sign that reads “Bad Dog”. This protection is not available, however, if the attack was caused by the owner’s own negligence or omission to prevent the attack.

Dog attacks can be devastating, the medical costs that follow can be extensive, and many times the dog owner isn’t even aware of the potential viciousness of their dog.

At Blick Law Firm we defend those victimized of such actions such as dog bites. If you are seeking a personal injury lawyer to pursue a claim regarding a recent attack; or if you are a dog owner and need information on how to protect yourself from liability for your dog’s actions call Blick Law Firm today at (813) 931-0840. Call to make an appointment for a free 15 minute consultation with attorney, Michael C. Blickensderfer. Think quick, call Blick!

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Drinking and Driving

On a daily basis, Florida drivers receive DUI’s and face obvious and hidden consequences that can have a wide reaching personal impact. When a person is charged with a DUI, the consequences may include:

  • License Suspension
  • Drastic Insurance Increases; especially when required to obtain FR-44 insurance coverage
  • Complications with Employment; both present and future
  • Driving Restrictions that require additional costs such as an Interlock Device installed in your vehicle for a period of 6 months, 1 year, or even 2 years, depending on your situation
  • Probation
  • Legal Fees and Court Costs

These consequences contribute to a multitude of difficulties that one faces when battling a DUI charge. It is important to fully understand and appreciate the severity of possible consequences associated with DUI, and always take all possible steps to avoid Driving Under the Influence.

DUI, or Driving Under the Influence, generally refers to a person who has physical control of a vehicle while that person’s normal faculties are impaired by any type of drug, including alcohol, illicit drugs, and even prescription medication. Therefore, if you are under the influence of drugs other than alcohol and are in actual physical control of a vehicle, you can still potentially be charged with a DUI.

In Florida, a blood alcohol level of .08 or more constitutes alcohol impairment beyond the legal limit. However, a police officer may still arrest you for a lower blood alcohol concentration (BAC) if they suspect that your normal faculties are impaired while operating a motor vehicle. Having a BAC under a .08 will increase your chances of overcoming the DUI conviction, but you may still be arrested and endure several hassles that go along with combating a DUI charge.

Police officers will pull drivers over for a number of traffic offenses, even minor ones, and initiate immediate conversation to determine the potential impairment of the driver. To assess the physical signs of impairment, Police will be looking for the ability to maintain eye contact, slurred speech, the smell of alcohol on a driver’s breath, or bloodshot eyes.

Know that your behavior once you’re pulled over is being scrutinized immediately, especially when pulled over late in the evening or after leaving a bar. Therefore, being polite, answering questions respectfully, and not making legal arguments is in your best interest.

While it is your right to not answer any questions without a lawyer present, not doing so will certainly raise the officer’s suspicion and they will likely investigate further. It is wise to answer questions vaguely and avoid delving into specifics, including any amount of alcohol you have consumed, or that you just left a party, bar, or football game.

If the Police are suspicious, they will tell you to exit the vehicle, and you must. However, you may refuse to submit to any sobriety tests conducted. Even if you think you can pass the sobriety exercises, it is likely in your best interest to politely refuse because the officer determines whether you passed based solely on their own judgment. Know that you always have the right to contact an attorney before you submit to any test.

If you are charged with DUI, it is important to seek legal counsel immediately! Call Blick Law Firm today at 813-931-0840. Make an appointment for a free 15 minute consultation with attorney Michael Blickensderfer to determine what your options are moving forward.

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Protección contra lesiones Personales: Reforma e importante información

Protección contra lesiones personales (PIP) es una cobertura obligatoria en pólizas de seguros de coche de Florida que cubre gastos médicos, pérdida de salarios y otros daños. El propósito original de cobertura PIP era para asegurarse de que nadie herido en un accidente de auto rápidamente reciba dinero para tratar sus heridas. En Florida, todos los conductores están obligados a obtener un mínimo de cobertura PIP de $10,000 para gastos médicos y salarios perdidos después de un accidente de auto.

Debido al rampante fraude y apropiación indebida de cobertura PIP en Florida, las compañías de seguros han presionado para aprobar la reforma de seguro de PIP para limitar los tipos de tratamiento disponible para las víctimas de choque que es cubierta por PIP y limitar la cantidad de cobertura a fin de evitar abusos y fraudes.

En 2012, la legislatura de la Florida paso a ley la reforma PIP que prohíbe el uso de dólares para pagar tratamientos de masaje o acupuntura PIP y limitara las ganancias para el tratamiento de emergencia no de lesiones relacionados con el accidente a $2,500.00. Una preocupación generalizada si sustentan una lesión como un latigazo cervical o hernia discal porque esas lesiones no se pueden calificar como una emergencia.

Sin embargo, los partidarios de la ley insisten en que la reforma contribuirá a las primas de seguros en general inferiores y proporcionar la necesaria ayuda a los conductores de la Florida.

Si usted o un ser querido uno ha sido víctima de un accidente de auto y tiene preguntas acerca de sus derechos, llame a Blick Law Firm al 813-931-0840 para programar una consulta gratis de 15 minutos con el abogado Michael Blickensderfer. Piensa rápido, llame a Blick!

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Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Tampa

A Chapter 7 Bankruptcy filing is a useful way to discharge of most debt, and can relieve the burden of creditor collection attempts. Chapter 7 Bankruptcy is generally available when the debtor has little property aside from the basic necessities like furniture and clothing; and the debtor has difficulty making payments on basic expenses, or has very little money left after doing so. Today, many people utilize bankruptcy as a strategy for resolving unmanageable debt. Today, filing for Bankruptcy is more common than most people realize and can be a refreshing solution to a debt-ridden life.

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy is a liquidation proceeding whereby the debtor turns over all non-exempt property to the bankruptcy trustee who then converts it to cash to pay off the creditors. Usually within four months the debtor then receives a discharge of all dischargeable debts. Usually, these dischargeable debts include your credit card debt, old medical bills, utilities bills, unsecured loans, pay day loans, and most other types of unsecured debt.

The advantage to filing Chapter 7 Bankruptcy is that your unsecured debt is completely eliminated, the process is fairly quick, and the automatic stay that takes place after filing prohibits creditors from making collection efforts.

It is important to be aware that while Chapter 7 Bankruptcy may ultimately relieve a debtor of the burden of insurmountable unsecured debt, it is a process that requires the production of several documents and tedious preparation. The more prepared the debtor is, the more seamless the process becomes.

Bankruptcy is a complex area of law and involves many considerations, including whether to file, determining which type of Bankruptcy to file, the use of exemptions, understanding the protections of the Bankruptcy Code and using them to your advantage.

No matter what your situation is, obtaining quality legal consultation from an experienced bankruptcy attorney is beneficial. Contact Blick Law Firm today at (813) 931-0840. Schedule a free 15 minute consultation with attorney Michael Blickensderfer to assess what option is best for you. Think quick, call Blick!

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