Tag Archives: drunk driving

St. Patrick’s Day | Drunk Driving | DUI Lawyers

st Patrick, st patrick day, dui lawyers, drunk driving, saint patricks dayIn the United States, many Americans celebrate St. Patrick’s Day by consuming alcoholic beverages. According to the Florida Highway Patrol, DUI enforcement is being intensified for St. Patrick’s Day; and there has already been over 200 DUI arrests statewide that occurred on Friday and Saturday. If you are planning on celebrating the Irish heritage this year, it is important to practice safety and make sure that you plan accordingly in order to avoid a possible arrest. Make the necessary arrangements ahead of time to get home safely, and be aware of others and your surroundings.

Many Americans are unaware that the definition of a DUI is not limited to alcohol. If you are driving under the influence of illegal drugs or any substance that can affect your judgment, you can be arrested for DUI.

In Florida, a blood alcohol concentration of.08 or higher constitutes impairment beyond the legal limit. However, you do not need a highly elevated blood alcohol concentration to create a threatening situation that may lead to an accident. If your blood alcohol concentration is below the legal limit, you can still be arrested for a DUI if law enforcement suspects that you are driving impaired.

According to the national institute of health, 40% of traffic deaths are alcohol related.

How alcohol effects you’re driving:

Reaction Time

Even in small amounts, the consumption of alcohol lowers your reaction time, this causes a delayed reaction to unexpected situations that occur when driving.


The consumption of alcohol has many negative effects on your vision. One of the ways in which alcohol affects your vision, is by making it very difficult to decipher how far away objects are.  Furthermore, alcohol causes the eye muscles to loose precision, resulting in blurred vision and inability to focus. Alcohol also impairs your eyes ability to adapt to light and darkness, headlights from oncoming cars will shock an impaired driver more severely than a driver who is sober.


Alcohol is a depressant that impairs your ability to make rational decisions. It is extremely important to be alert and aware of your surroundings when driving, alcohol makes it difficult to do this by negatively affecting your comprehension.st Patrick, st patrick day, dui lawyers, drunk driving, saint patricks days


Alcohol reduces the hand, eye, and foot coordination that is needed when operating a motor vehicle.

If you or a loved one has been charged with a DUI, it is important to immediately seek legal counsel. Call Blick Law Firm today for a free consultation. Think Quick, Call Blick!

Have a Safe and Happy Saint Patrick’s Day!

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Driving Under The Influence | DUI | Consequences

Driving under the influence is a common arrest in the sate of Florida; many Florida drivers are unfamiliar with the definition of a DUI, or what the consequences are if arrested for one. It is essential to be familiar with the full description what a DUI is, as well as what to do if pulled over for suspicion of these actions.

Driving Under the Influence is the act or crime of driving while impaired by:

  •     Any type of drug
  •     Alcohol
  •     Illicit drugs
  •     Prescription medication

If your normal faculties are impaired by alcohol, or any of the substances previously listed while having physical control of a vehicle, you can be arrested for driving under the influence.

In Florida, a blood alcohol level of .08 or more constitutes alcohol impairment beyond the legal limit. Nonetheless, if law enforcement suspects that you are driving under the influence, you may still be arrested if your blood alcohol concentration (BAC) is below the legal limit. If you are arrested for a DUI and your BAC is under 0.8, this can decrease the outcome of a DUI conviction. However, you will still have to bear several inconveniences that accompany battling a DUI charge.

Once pulled over, police officers look for several symptoms of impairment. A driver will initially be pulled over for a minor traffic violation, then the officer will immediately proceed with dialogue in order to determine if the driver is impaired. This procedure may result in a DUI conviction.

Some of the common signs law enforcement will look for to determine the potential impairment of a driver include:

  •     The ability to maintain eye contact
  •     Slurred speech
  •     The smell of alcohol on a driver’s breathe
  •     Bloodshot eyes.

UNDER-THE-INFLUENCE, IS-A-DUI-A-FELONY, DUI-LAWYER, JUSTIN-BEIBERIt is indeed your right to refrain from answering any questions without a lawyer present however; not doing so will surely rouse the police officer’s suspicions, which will likely consummate a further investigation.

If the police officer asks you to exit your vehicle, you must do so. However, if asked to submit to a sobriety test, you may kindly refuse. If you are confident that you can pass a sobriety test, it is still in your best interest to refrain from doing so because the officer will determine if you have passed or not solely on his or her own judgment.

The consequences for driving under the influence in the state of Florida may include:

  •        Suspension of drivers license
  •        Radical Insurance increases
  •       Present and future employment complications
  •       Driving restrictions requiring additional costs
  •       Probation
  •       Legal fees
  •       Court Fees

When disputing a DUI charge, these consequences are among a multitude of difficulties that one can encounter. Fully understanding the severity of these consequences is very important, and it is crucial to be familiar with the precautions needed to avoid being arrested for a DUI.

It is important to immediately seek legal counsel if you are charged with a DUI. If you or a loved one has been charged with a DUI, Call Blick Law Firm today for a free 15-minute consultation with attorney Michael Blickensderfer.

Think Quick Call Blick!

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In recent new, pop star Justin Bieber was arrested this Thursday morning in Miami Beach for drag racing, driving under the influence, and resisting arrest. The 19 year old pop singer was charged with a DUI, and reportedly admitted to having alcohol, marijuana, and other prescription drugs earlier that night.

According to police reports, Bieber’s blood alcohol level was .04. In Florida, a blood alcohol concentration of.08 or higher constitutes impairment beyond the legal limit. Although Bieber’s blood alcohol concentration was below the legal limit, the state of Florida has a zero tolerance law for drivers under the age of 21. If you are over the age of 21, a police officer may still arrest you for a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) below the legal limit if they suspect that you are impaired while operating a motor vehicle.


A DUI, or Driving under the Influence is the act or crime of driving while affected by alcohol or drugs.

Arrests for drunk driving are very common among celebrities, as well as drivers in the state of Florida. However, many Florida drivers are unaware of what a DUI is. If you are in physical control of a vehicle while impaired by alcohol, prescription medication, illegal drugs, or any other type of drug, you are driving under the influence.


If you are pulled over by law enforcement, follow these tips to avoid possible DUI conviction.

There are common signs and behaviors that police officers look for in determining an impaired driver. You may initially be pulled over for violating a minor traffic offense, and then the police officer will proceed to initiate immediate conversation to determine if you are driving while impaired. Signs that police officers look for include:

  • The ability to maintain eye contact
  • Slurred speech
  • The smell of alcohol on a driver’s breath
  • Bloodshot eyes

Although you have the right to remain silent, doing so will certainly raise an officer’s suspicions of your driving under the influence. It is wise to answer the officer’s questions without going into specifics. Details such as the amount of alcohol you have consumed, or that you just left a party or football game should be cautioned.

If the police officer is suspicious and tells you to exit your vehicle, you may consider these directions. You may refuse to submit to a sobriety test, and remember that you always have the right to contact a DUI Lawyer before submitting to any test that may be conducted.


If you or a loved one is convicted of a DUI in the state of Florida, consequences may include the following:

  • Probation
  • License Suspension
  • Legal Fees and Court Costs
  • Driving Restrictions that require additional costs such as an Interlock Device installed in your vehicle for a period of 6 months, 1 year, or even 2 years, depending on your situation
  • Complications with Employment; both present and future
  • Drastic Insurance Increases; especially when required to obtain FR-44 insurance coverage

If you are charged with DUI, it is important to seek legal counsel immediately from a criminal defense attorney! Call Blick Law Firm today at 888-973-2776. Make an appointment for a free 15 minute consultation with attorney Michael Blickensderfer to determine what your options are moving forward.

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What to do if you get pulled over for a DUI?

Every day, Florida Law Enforcement Officers seek out impaired drivers and make arrests for Driving Under the Influence (DUI). Most Florida Drivers are unaware of the severity of the charge, often times misunderstand the penalties that can arise as a result of receiving a DUI, and are usually unsure of what to do in the event they are pulled over for suspicion of DUI.

In Florida, a blood alcohol level of .08 or more constitutes alcohol impairment beyond the legal limit. However, a police officer may still arrest you for a lower blood alcohol concentration (BAC) if they suspect that your normal faculties are impaired while operating a motor vehicle. Having a BAC under a .08 will increase your chances of overcoming the DUI conviction, but you may still be arrested and endure several hassles that go along with combating a DUI charge.

Police officers will pull drivers over for a number of traffic offenses, even minor ones, and initiate immediate conversation to determine the potential impairment of the driver. To assess the physical signs of impairment, Police will be looking for the ability to maintain eye contact, slurred speech, the smell of alcohol on a driver’s breath, or bloodshot eyes.

Know that your behavior once you are pulled over is being scrutinized immediately, especially when pulled over late in the evening or after leaving a bar. Therefore, being polite, answering questions respectfully, and not making legal arguments is in your best interest.

While it is your right to not answer any questions without a lawyer present, not doing so will certainly raise the officer’s suspicion and they will likely investigate further. It is wise to answer questions vaguely and avoid delving into specifics, including any amount of alcohol you have consumed, or that you just left a party, bar, or football game.

If the Police are suspicious, they will tell you to exit the vehicle, and you must. However, you may refuse to submit to any sobriety tests conducted. Even if you think you can pass the sobriety exercises, it is likely in your best interest to politely refuse because the officer determines whether you passed based solely on their own judgment. Know that you always have the right to contact an attorney before you submit to any test.

If you are charged with DUI, it is important to seek legal counsel immediately! Call Blick Law Firm today at 813-931-0840. Make an appointment for a free 15 minute consultation with attorney Michael Blickensderfer to determine what your options are moving forward.

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Motor Vehicle Searches and Arrest

Traffic violations in Florida contribute to a large amount of police encounters; and many times these encounters lead to arrests for more serious violations after the driver’s car is searched. It is important to know about your rights and protections while driving, and to be aware of what actions police are legally allowed to employ.

Constitutional Rights protect drivers from illegal searches and seizures. However, police are allowed to conduct a search of a vehicle without a warrant under certain circumstances. These circumstances include:

  • Consent to Search: A driver’s consent for an officer to search the vehicle operates as a waiver of constitutional rights under the 4th amendment protection against illegal searches and seizures. Additionally, any incriminating evidence obtained from the search can be used against the driver.
  • Plain View Rule: A police officer is authorized to search a vehicle if within the officer’s plain view there is any illegal substance or contraband visible.
  • Exigent Circumstances: A police officer is allowed to search a vehicle if in their discretion they reasonably believe that an immediate search is necessary to prevent harm or serious damage, or they believe that evidence of a crime is in danger of being destroyed.
  • Probable Cause: A police officer is authorized to search a vehicle without a warrant if they have a sufficient reason justifying probable cause to believe that a crime has been committed.

If you have been arrested following a traffic stop and have questions regarding your rights, call Blick Law Firm today at (813) 931-0840 to schedule a free 15 minute appointment with attorney Michael Blickensderfer.

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Drinking and Driving

On a daily basis, Florida drivers receive DUI’s and face obvious and hidden consequences that can have a wide reaching personal impact. When a person is charged with a DUI, the consequences may include:

  • License Suspension
  • Drastic Insurance Increases; especially when required to obtain FR-44 insurance coverage
  • Complications with Employment; both present and future
  • Driving Restrictions that require additional costs such as an Interlock Device installed in your vehicle for a period of 6 months, 1 year, or even 2 years, depending on your situation
  • Probation
  • Legal Fees and Court Costs

These consequences contribute to a multitude of difficulties that one faces when battling a DUI charge. It is important to fully understand and appreciate the severity of possible consequences associated with DUI, and always take all possible steps to avoid Driving Under the Influence.

DUI, or Driving Under the Influence, generally refers to a person who has physical control of a vehicle while that person’s normal faculties are impaired by any type of drug, including alcohol, illicit drugs, and even prescription medication. Therefore, if you are under the influence of drugs other than alcohol and are in actual physical control of a vehicle, you can still potentially be charged with a DUI.

In Florida, a blood alcohol level of .08 or more constitutes alcohol impairment beyond the legal limit. However, a police officer may still arrest you for a lower blood alcohol concentration (BAC) if they suspect that your normal faculties are impaired while operating a motor vehicle. Having a BAC under a .08 will increase your chances of overcoming the DUI conviction, but you may still be arrested and endure several hassles that go along with combating a DUI charge.

Police officers will pull drivers over for a number of traffic offenses, even minor ones, and initiate immediate conversation to determine the potential impairment of the driver. To assess the physical signs of impairment, Police will be looking for the ability to maintain eye contact, slurred speech, the smell of alcohol on a driver’s breath, or bloodshot eyes.

Know that your behavior once you’re pulled over is being scrutinized immediately, especially when pulled over late in the evening or after leaving a bar. Therefore, being polite, answering questions respectfully, and not making legal arguments is in your best interest.

While it is your right to not answer any questions without a lawyer present, not doing so will certainly raise the officer’s suspicion and they will likely investigate further. It is wise to answer questions vaguely and avoid delving into specifics, including any amount of alcohol you have consumed, or that you just left a party, bar, or football game.

If the Police are suspicious, they will tell you to exit the vehicle, and you must. However, you may refuse to submit to any sobriety tests conducted. Even if you think you can pass the sobriety exercises, it is likely in your best interest to politely refuse because the officer determines whether you passed based solely on their own judgment. Know that you always have the right to contact an attorney before you submit to any test.

If you are charged with DUI, it is important to seek legal counsel immediately! Call Blick Law Firm today at 813-931-0840. Make an appointment for a free 15 minute consultation with attorney Michael Blickensderfer to determine what your options are moving forward.

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