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5 Maneras que pueden perjudicar a su reclamo de Accidente automovilístico | Firma de abogados de Tampa

thumbnail.aspxLos Accidentes de auto pueden ser devastadores, y las heridas en un accidente pueden comenzar una línea de tiempo de tratamiento y terapia que puede tomar meses en completarse.

Si usted está implicado en un accidente automovilístico, es muy importante saber qué medidas se pueda comprometer a protegerse y evitar daños a su caso de lesiones potenciales. Muchas personas no están consciente de que hay varias maneras que  pueden dañar su reclamo automovilístico en la Florida . Aquí están algunos puntos importantes que le ayudarán a asegurar que su reclamo sea exitoso:

1. Revelar información a través de Los medios de Comunicación Social: generación de hoy es tecnológicamente inteligente, es un hecho que  los abogados del lado contrario o las compañías de seguros utilizan para beneficio de ellos. Personas pueden actualizar su estado de, tweet, escribir cualquier información o consultar en lugares en tiempo presente, esto es susceptible al público para crear un imagen negativa. En un caso de accidente de auto,l a investigación por Internet puede ayudar a demostrar que no esta  tan lesionado para su reclamo automovilístico.

Es importante entender que lo que publiques en tweet potencialmente puede ayudar a la compañía del seguro contrario y puede lastimar su caso. Sea cuidadoso al publicar fotos o comentarios que podrían desacreditar su reclamo automovilístico. Por ejemplo, piense dos veces antes de publicar algo sobre ir al gimnasio cuando usted anuncio en tener dolor intenso en la espalda  de un reciente accidente.

2. Falta de información de testigos: cualquier tipo de accidente puede causar estrés y perjudicar el  proceso  normal del pensamiento. Es importante que esté tranquilo  (a)  para poder reunir la información adecuada que le ayudará a su caso más adelante. Una de las claves para ayudar a su reclamo automovilístico, si no eres culpable es bueno qué usted pueda identificar a  sus testigos. Es importante corroborar su caso con testigos porque minimizará el debate de las compañías de seguros. Se Supone que la oficina investigadora recogerá este tipo de información. Si usted toma el asunto con sus propias manos es posible que le pidan la información del contacto de los testigos inmediatamente después del accidente.

3. Dar una declaración grabada a la compañía de seguro contrario: esto es un error muy común. Generalmente cuando hay un accidente automovilístico, las compañías de seguros son notificadas inmediatamente. Una vez que sea notificada a las compañías de seguros, se mueve rápidamente  para obtener una declaración grabada sobre lo  sucedido y obtener información sobre su lesión ocurrida. La mayoría de las personas siente que tienen que dar una declaración grabada a la compañía de seguros contraria y responder a sus preguntas .Esto es falso. No hay ningún requisito de que usted de una declaración grabada.

A menudo, la compañía de seguros está tratando de obtener ventaja de su estado mental y la falta de conocimiento sobre el tema . Por lo tanto,  no de ninguna declaración grabada sin primero consultar con su abogado.

4. Tomar oposición  de seguros de autos empresas : si no eres culpable, la compañía de seguros del conductor llevará una oposición de investigación durante su caso. Esto puede incluir vigilancia, fotos de los daños o videos de usted en algún momento durante el proceso.

La honestidad es la mejor política. Si usted trata de ciertas actividades que parecen cuestionables o  admitirlo. Entendemos que durante el proceso de reclamación, será tratado por lesiones y mejorará su salud física. Sin embargo, cuando una víctima de accidente de auto niega algo que sea verdad  y si el  seguro investiga para ser verdad, perjudicará su reclamo automovilístico.

5. Si usted esperar demasiado tiempo para obtener tratamiento médico: en un accidente automovilístico la mayoría de la gente asume que el dolor o lesión desaparecerá con el tiempo. Desafortunadamente, eso no es siempre el caso y pueden empeorar progresivamente.

Las compañías de seguros controlan si hay pausas entre los tratamientos y también si usted no aún comienza el tratamiento, asumen que no esté tan herido (a) como dices. Atención médica inmediata es necesaria para evaluar su reclamo y si las lesiones son graves, informe al hospital de sus heridas. Una vez que usted visite un abogado de lesiones personales, solicite  asistencia médica adecuada. Cualquier queja o síntomas que tenga deben estar bien documentados y registrados.

Demandas por lesiones personales todas varían, y muchas veces implican consecuencias de por vida que requieren gastos médicos en el  futuro y años de dolor y sufrimiento. Si usted o un ser querido ha sido lesionado debido a las acciones o la negligencia de otro, Blick Law Firm al (813) 931-0840.

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Florida Dog Bite Statute

Dog owners and dog bite victims alike should be aware that Florida maintains a strict liability statute to protect victims of dog attacks. Under Florida Statute 767.04, the owner of a dog that bites another person will be held strictly liable for the damages caused if such person is on or in a public place, or lawfully on or in a private place, including the private property of the owner of the dog.

In Florida, the prior lack of viciousness of the dog is irrelevant, and a dog owner will still be held liable for damages including present and future medical bills, lost wages and future earnings, mental anguish, and destruction of property.

Though the amount of recovery available to the injured party will be reduced by whatever percentage of fault can be attributed to victim’s own actions, dog owners should be aware of their potential strict liability.

Under the Dog Bite Statute, Dog Owners can protect themselves from liability for attacks that occur on their private property. The statute allows for limited protection of dog owners who display in a prominent place, a sign that reads “Bad Dog”. This protection is not available, however, if the attack was caused by the owner’s own negligence or omission to prevent the attack.

Dog attacks can be devastating, the medical costs that follow can be extensive, and many times the dog owner isn’t even aware of the potential viciousness of their dog.

At Blick Law Firm we defend those victimized of such actions such as dog bites. If you are seeking a personal injury lawyer to pursue a claim regarding a recent attack; or if you are a dog owner and need information on how to protect yourself from liability for your dog’s actions call Blick Law Firm today at (813) 931-0840. Call to make an appointment for a free 15 minute consultation with attorney, Michael C. Blickensderfer. Think quick, call Blick!

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Dog Bite Florida

Dog owners and dog bite victims alike should be aware that Florida maintains a strict liability statute to protect victims of dog attacks. Under Florida Statute 767.04, the owner of a dog that bites a person will be held strictly liable for the damages caused if such person is on or in a public place, or lawfully on or in a private place, including the private property of the owner of the dog.

In Florida, the prior lack of viciousness of the dog is irrelevant, and a dog owner will still be held liable for damages including present and future medical bills, lost wages and future earnings, mental anguish, and destruction of property.

Though the amount of recovery available to the injured party will be reduced by whatever percentage of fault can be attributed to the victim’s own actions, dog owners should be aware of their potential strict liability.

Under the Dog Bite Statute, Dog Owners can protect themselves from liability for attacks that occur on their private property. The statute allows for limited protection of dog owners who display in a prominent place, a sign that reads “Bad Dog”. This protection is not available, however, if the attack was caused by the owner’s own negligence or omission to prevent the attack.

Dog attacks can be devastating, the medical costs that follow can be extensive, and many times the dog owner isn’t even aware of the potential viciousness of their dog.

If you or a loved has been the victim of a dog attack and need legal representation; or if you are a dog owner and need information on how to protect yourself from liability for your dog’s actions, call Blick Law Firm today @ (813) 931-0840. Call to make an appointment for a free 15 minute consultation with attorney, Michael C. Blickensderfer. Think quick, call Blick!

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Seat Belt Safety Florida

Each year, automobile and motorcycle accidents are a major cause of fatalities nationwide. As a result, it is important to employ all necessary safety measures available to avoid or reduce the risk of serious injury while operating an automobile or motorcycle.

Studies indicate that the use of a safety belt greatly reduces the chance of harm or serious injury when involved in an auto accident, especially when an automobile operator is thrown from the vehicle as a result of impact. In an effort to combat this risk and encourage the use of safety belts, Florida has mandatory safety belt requirements. In Florida:

  • Seat belt laws apply to all cars, pickup trucks, and vans operated on Florida roads.
  • All passengers in the front seat must wear a seat belt.
  • All passengers under 18 must wear a seat belt.

Florida also has mandatory child restraint laws that hold drivers responsible for buckling up children. Specifically, Florida law requires that children 3 years old and younger must be secured in a federally approved child-restraint seat; and children 4 through 5 years old must be secured by either a federally approved child restraint seat or safety belt.

Motorcyclists have even more safety concerns as motorcycle accidents tend to involve more serious injuries and incur a higher rate of fatalities. Additionally, with the rising costs of health care, insurance companies have begun to include exclusion clauses to insurance policies that can deny coverage for risky behavior such as motorcycling. While Florida law does not require the use of motorcycle helmets, research conducted by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration indicates that motorcyclists without a helmet are three times more likely to suffer brain injuries, and that helmets reduce the risk of death by nearly 30 percent when involved in a motorcycle accident.

If you or a loved have been injured in an accident and you have questions or concerns about your rights to recovery, call Blick Law Firm today at (813) 931-0840. Schedule a free 15-minute consultation with attorney Michael Blickensderfer. Think quick, call Blick!

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Personal Injury Protection (PIP) Law Changes Florida

Personal Injury Protection (PIP) is a mandatory coverage on Florida car insurance policies that covers medical expenses, lost wages, and other damages. The original purpose of PIP coverage was to make sure that anyone injured in an auto accident would quickly receive money to treat their injuries. In Florida, all drivers are obligated to obtain a minimum of $10,000 PIP coverage for medical bills and lost wages following an auto accident.

Due to rampant fraud and misappropriation of PIP coverage in Florida, insurance companies have lobbied to pass PIP insurance reform to limit the types of treatment available to crash victims covered by PIP, and limit the amount of coverage in order to avoid abuse and fraud.

In 2012, the Florida legislature passed into law PIP reform that bans the use of PIP dollars to pay for massage or acupuncture treatments and will limit the payout for non-emergency treatment of accident-related injuries to $2,500.00. A widespread concern is that accident victims with serious injuries won’t be able to get the care they need if they sustain an injury such as a whiplash or herniated disc because these injuries may not qualify as an emergency.

Nonetheless, supporters of the bill insist that the reform will contribute to overall lower insurance premiums and provide much needed relief to Florida drivers.

If you or a loved one have been a victim of an auto accident and have questions concerning your rights, call Blick Law Firm today at 813-931-0840 to schedule a free 15 minute consultation with attorney Michael Blickensderfer. Think quick, call Blick! 813-931-0840.

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