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Tag Archives: mortgage attorney
Filing a hardship letter to lenders
Part of the loan modification process is filing ones hardship. When applying for a loan modification the lender will require the filing of a hardship letter as a written explanation as to why and what was the cause for the homeowner to fall behind on making mortgage payments and assisting to prevent a foreclosure from proceeding.
A hardship letter provides an explanation to the lender detailing the current issues that are affecting the homeowner’s ability to meet their financial responsibilities. It needs to properly cover all of the issues in a manner which is clear, concise and to the point.
This can be accomplished with the help of an experienced real estate attorney who will review the hardship letter, along with the any other documents required for consideration, and can make any necessary suggestions to the documentation, regarding content, so it is efficient for the lender to approve.
Here is the basic information that must be provided in a hardship letter to the lender:
- Name, address, phone number and account number.
- State the financial assistance/ plan you are seeking.
- Describe your financial hardship. What were the causes that lead to falling behind in one’s mortgage payments? This is an outlined biography of your current “life” issues.
- Include life circumstances which may have altered and added to your hardship such as: illness, loss of job, reduced income, failed business, job relocation, death, death of spouse, divorce, military separation, military duty, reduced income, medical bills, property damage and alike.
*Remember that the hardship letter is only the beginning of the loan modification process. It is essential in determining assistance for you if you are trying to avoid the foreclosure of your home.
If you are looking to STOP a foreclosure and stay in your home, contact Blick law firm and speak with an experienced foreclosure defense attorney as soon as possible. Your hardship letter will be reviewed, and any necessary changes, additions and/or suggestions can be provided to aid you through the daunting loan modification process.
Call today to receive your free case evaluation at 813-931-0840. Think quick, call Blick!
Posted in Blog, Foreclosure Defense, Real Estate
Tagged a hardship letter, abogados en tampa, abogados tampa, blick law firm, carrollwood, carrollwood attorney, carrollwood law firm, christian attorney, christian law firm, christian lawyer tampa, example of hardship letter, filing hardship letter, hardship letter, hardship letter example, hardship letters, how do i write a hardship letter, how to write hardship letter for mortgage modification, letter of hardship, michael c blickensderfer, military lawyer, modification hardship letter, mortgage attorney, sample of hardship letter, veterans, what is a hardship letter
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What is foreclosure defense?
Stop your home from going into foreclosure! There is a way out with Blick Law Firm’s expert legal assistance. Here at our firm, we will inform you of the options you have when dealing with a foreclosure.
Some valid defenses for your case may be:
1. Ownership. Mortgages are sold every day. The bank suing must prove that the original mortgage was properly sold, transferred or assigned and that it is the rightful owner of the original note.
2. Written Notice. Proper written notice of a default and a 30-day opportunity to cure before filing a foreclosure lawsuit must be received by the homeowner.
3. The amount owed. Banks routinely miscalculate the amounts owed on a note and mortgage.
You do not have to lose your home and face the negative effects of a bad credit report because of your circumstance. Contact our office and talk with our foreclosure defense attorneytoday.
As an expert in foreclosure defense we will strive to prevent foreclosure with loan modification or short sale or other real estate services. When dealing with a foreclosure, you are only allotted a certain amount of days to answer the lawsuit. If you do not respond, you not be able to get a hearing to be properly represented. With those deadlines in mind, it is important that you contact a foreclosure lawyer as soon as possible. If you want to have any chance in saving your home, contact Blick Law Firm today at 813-931-0840.
Posted in Blog, Foreclosure Defense
Tagged abogados en tampa, abogados tampa, blick law firm, carrollwood, carrollwood attorney, carrollwood law firm, christian attorney, christian law firm, christian lawyer tampa, florida foreclosure, florida foreclosure attorney, florida foreclosures, foreclosure defense attorneys, foreclosure defense lawyer, foreclosure defense tampa fl, military lawyer, mortgage attorney, veterans
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