Category Archives: Criminal Law

Changing Times Reflects International Policies


You’d be hard pressed to meet someone who doesn’t believe in the concept of time. Some argue that time is all we really have, and yet, it is hard to imagine what time really is. All we seem to know is that time has this dynamic effect. It works slowly, at a nearly unobservable pace, and yet, it can have such a profound effect on our lives. These profound effects are what we do observe and indicate a focal point of change. No more is this profound effect evident than in today’s political climate. Policy upheaval and constant reform is the mantra of today’s political scene.

Relatively speaking, current politics has been one of the most dynamic in decades. It seems like every day people are daring to ask the question why? Challenges in the sector of marriages, drug policies, gun control, healthcare, immigration and racial equality are very relevant and contemporary topics in todays political battlegrounds.


To top it off, President Obama has been making quite the stir. He promised change in his election campaign and is delivering with radically expedited policies in the second half of his second term. Starting with the healthcare act, President Obama has been spearheading campaigns to revolutionize social and political policies. Just recently, he delivered news about a new immigration plan that was to be enacted. The plan gives amnesty to countless illegal aliens that have been living in the United States and outlined a course of action that could be taken to legitimize themselves and their family.

Continuing his crusade, President Obama announced that he is planning on lifting restrictions to Cuba and ending the decade long strife between our two nations. Furthermore, he has indicated his intentions to forge relationships with Cuba that will hopefully unite our two countries under common grounds.


Flashback to the Cold War days….

America then is very different from America now. The Cold War tore our relationship with Cuba asunder. Fears of communism taking hold so close to home lead us to believe that we had no other choice than to isolate Cuba. According to Obama, the policies enacted then, were done so with the greatest intentions. They, however, are no longer relevant.

It is time to open up to our neighboring country. Too long have families been split, unable to reunite. The president believes that by opening ourselves to Cuba and letting families reunite, the Cuban-Americans will bring democracy with them, being the ambassadors and torch bearer of freedom.

I believe these new policies truly reflect the changing notions that people once had on these topics. We have evolved tremendously from where we once were. Like our democratic system encourages, we constantly improve our policies and broaden our understanding of what equality really means.

Demolition our imagined “Berlin Wall” with Cuba could have tremendous consequences on immigration for families. To understand how this news could affect immigration policies consult with one of our attorneys Call us today at 1-888-973-2776 or at our website, link found below. call


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Holidays| Criminal Arrests


Wow, can you believe it’s that time of year already? It seems to me like I was just lighting fireworks for last New Year’s, yesterday, and now it’s just around the corner again. Of course with all the holiday celebrations come the holiday goods! First, the pumpkin lattes come back. After having one of those a day for nearly the entire month of October and most of November you think you’d be over sweets. But no, you have the thanksgiving feast which turns into a week of non-stop eating. Finally, Christmas rolls around to greet you with candy canes, egg nog, holiday popcorn and the works. With all the eating, it is no wonder that most people put losing weight on their resolution list for the next year.

Not to worry though! Blick Law Firm has the holiday healthy tips to prevent you from gaining the extra 10-100 lbs that most people commonly gain during the holiday season.

1. Spend time with the family and do something active. As a resident of Florida there are so many outdoor activities that are accessible to any family. Go camping or hike around the everglades or Ocala national park and really take time to appreciate the scenery.

2. Go to the beach! Not many states can boast having beach time weather nearly all year long. If you happen to find yourself with nothing to do on those absurdly, unseasonably warm winter days- go to the closest beach and enjoy some fun in the sun.

3. Trade in your holidays sweets for holiday feats! Instead of gifting sweets why not do something to show someone else how much they really mean to you? Not only will they save some pounds but you won’t be in their presence snacking on your gift as well.

4. Buy a gym membership! The holidays offer a unique time of year to get great deals on gym memberships. Many gyms will offer prorated and discounted prices as incentives to get clients to lock in annual memberships.

Being active and healthy during the holidays can be difficult. We recommend you stay out and about being physically active to ward off those excess lbs; be mindful, however, that you don’t want to be out of the house for too long! The holidays are a very active time for criminal activity and home burglaries. Make sure to lock your doors when you leave and survey who walks around your neighborhood. If you do find yourself in a burglary situation please consult one of our attorneys for options. We can assist and guide you through the necessary actions that should be taken to prevent you from losing out.

To schedule a consultation with Attorney Michael Blickensderfer CALL US At call1-888-973-2776!

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Criminal| Holiday Safety


The holidays can be a very relaxing time for most people. Cool weather in the air, family time by the fire, presents under the trees and lots and lots of shopping! Yes sir, the holidays was meant for everyone to wrap up the year on a good note and get ready for a fresh new start to the upcoming year.

Unfortunately, however, the holidays are one of the most active times in the year for criminal activity. Home burglary, cyber theft and a host of other maliciously intended actions tend to occur on some of the brightest days of the year. Makes sense, right? Shadows occur most often on the brightest days of the year.

Of course, there are things you can do to prevent such mishaps from occurring. Locking your doors for example and being a little skeptical about those holiday carolers may save you from having to file a police report. Remember, lots of criminals will canvass neighborhoods and do their research before attempting a burglary. Caroling is a great way to canvass the neighborhood and at the same time get a better understanding of what might be found inside your home. Remember, just a sneak peak could reveal a lot to a potential burglar.

When shopping, make sure your credit cards are accounted for; you could even take it a step further and put them in a compartment that prevents the magnetic strip from being scanned. Remember, the best way to prevent credit fraud is running current credit reports and checking your bank statements for unknown purchases. Being proactive and catching fraud before it begins could save you thousands of dollars and lots of time wasted later.

Blick Law Firm wishes each and every family a very merry holiday. We know how precious this time of the year is, for everyone and are cognizant of the needs of people who may not be so fortunate. If you happen to find yourself in a situation dealing with fraud or other criminal activity, give yourself a holiday present and seek counsel at our office. One of our attorneys can guide you and assist you with your best course of action.

To schedule your 1 on 1 consultation with Attorney Michael Blickensderfer please CALL US TODAY at call

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Body Cameras for Police| Legal News

blick-law-firm, tampa-law-firm copyWritten By: Louie Talacay

On August 9th, 2014, 18-year-old Michael Brown was fatally shot by Ferguson police officer, Darren Wilson. The incident created ripples throughout America quickly escalating into a tidal wave of outrage. It reignited a feud that had long since been buried in undertones and minuteness since the days of the civil rights movement.

Unruly protestors rioted in the streets of Ferguson seeking vendetta and justice for their martyred brother. Police responded by militarizing themselves, in an effort to keep the peace, reminiscent of the cold war days when countries would keep the peace by showing off their biggest guns. The rapid and intense escalation was fortunately kept in check by the state and federal government along with the help of protestors seeking a non-violent, just and fair resolution to the incident.

Fast forward to last week—Police officer Darren Wilson was acquitted of crimes related to the shooting of Michael Brown. The verdict has innumerable implications. People seeking punishment empathized for Michael Brown and his family. Others praised the verdict, pleased to see that a man who dedicated his life to servitude would not suffer the consequences of his actions. Rioters rioted and peacemakers made their peace. The one thing, everyone seemed to agree upon is that change needs to happen.

How do we create this change? There is obviously an intense disparity between those who feel that police officers are doing their civil duties responsibly vs. others who think of police as being brutal, savage oppressors.

The Obama administration has offered a solution to expedite change in law enforcement. They want officers to wear body cameras and go through more intense training. The idea of more cameras is not uncommon in police enforcement. Dash cams were added to police vehicles as a means of protecting both the officer and individuals. Cameras offer more insight into each incident. The amount of contradictory and ambiguous accounts of the Michael Brown incident may have been clearer if police officer, Daren Wilson, had been wearing a body camera. Some police agencies already have such cameras in place. According to WIRED, complaints against police officers dropped 60% after the implementation of body cams to the police force in Rialto, California.

Are body cameras ethical though? It is undeniable that cameras will give more feedback, but is it worth the costs to enforce upon the police enforcement?

What do you think? Give us your feedback at our website




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Cyber Theft| Consumer Protection

Written By: Louie Talacy

blick-law-firm, tampa-law-firm copyWhat do Target, JP Morgan and Home Depot have in common? These are all large corporations that have experienced serious security breaches. The security breaches compromised the identity of millions of consumers and shook their confidence. How do such big corporations get hacked? Aren’t there firewalls and identity protection procedures in place to prevent such breaches? Surely such huge corporations can afford the best and most secure anti-hacking products.

The truth of the matter is that, technology has evolved to a magnitude that is nearly incomprehensible. Nearly everything we do is integrated to some sort of machinery. The dawn of the internet laid the foundations for a worldwide integrated information super highway and now, more than ever, people who are tech savvy are finding ways to get ahead.

Unfortunately, some of those people are hackers who are willing to take advantage of other people’s hardships for their own monetary gains. As a result, the continuous struggle between hackers and security programmers has escalated into an intense cold war. Just like viruses and antibodies adapting to each other’s defenses, hackers and programmers are consistently evolving their tactics to keep ahead of each other.

The thought of having your information stolen is terrifying. With the advent of Black Friday and the winter holidays consumers must be more careful now than ever to protect their information. Fortunately for Floridians, new legislation has taken effect to protect consumers from cyber fraud.

Implemented July 2014, the Florida Information Protection Act imposed new regulations for protecting the consumer. Essentially the act states that companies must do more to ensure that consumer information is protected and safeguarded from hackers. The expected level of protection is based on the size of each company; obviously, the larger the company the greater the need for more advanced consumer protection.

So now that you know about these changes, you can shop a little easier for your holiday gifts. Remember there are things you can do to help protect your information such as…

1. Check banks statements and report anything that seems suspicious.

2. Keep cards in a protected wallet

3. Perform regular credit checks

If you become a victim of identity fraud please seek counsel with an attorney at…call

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Criminal Defense| Traffic Tickets| Blog

Written By: Louie Talacay

CRIMINAL DEFENSE ATTORNEY, TRAFFIC TICKETS, BLOG, ABC ACTION NEWS, BLICK LAW FIRM, PERSONAL INJURY ATTORNEY IN TAMPA.Its 5 p.m. and everyone is rushing to get home. Traffic is chaotic and you are at one of the busiest intersections in the Tampa Bay area. To make things worse, you are straggling behind a bus and side-by-side traffic prevents you from moving over to another lane. The bus stops to let out some passengers; again, you are forced to wait for the hordes of people exiting the public commuter. This time, however, you realize that you are in the middle of the road and have unintentionally gridlocked the intersection. You sit uneasy, waiting for the bus to start moving again and free you from your awkward disposition. Like showers that have been cued to rain, when someone says “things could be worse”, the intersection lights begin to phase between colors. First the green light changes to yellow and all too sudden yellow becomes red. From the background a bright light illuminates the scene like lightening striking. Say hello, because you are on candid camera.

The red light camera has been one of the most controversial pieces of equipment used by traffic enforcers. Despite a multitude of complaints and issues, advocators cite the incidence of reduced fatalities at major intersections where cameras have been incorporated and frequently appeal to people’s emotions. As a result, many people have been issued an unfair traffic ticket citations for being in an unfortunate circumstance.

Traffic citations can be extremely stressful. For people who are living paycheck to paycheck the fee for a ticket can be a huge setback forcing them to decide between paying the bills or the ticket. In addition to the initial ticket cost, people are forced to go to traffic school to avoid receiving penalties on their license which is another incurred cost depleting both time and money. Regardless of doing these things, the insurance company may still choose to raise their premium forcing them to suffer through the residual outcome of their messy situation.

Taking your traffic ticket to court could save you the hassle of going through these steps. Winning your case could mean no ticket payment, no traffic school, and no increased insurance premiums. Best of all, your traffic violations could be expunged from your records and there is no history of offenses.

Check out recent news on ABC Action News to find out more information on the subject

There is no guarantee that you will win your case. It is important to have a Criminal Defense lawyer who is aware of the minutiae of traffic law to guide you and give you the best advantage. Some cases allow you to plea for a settlement that reduces the costs and penalties associated with traffic tickets. These matters are best discussed with a traffic court attorney. To schedule a consultation with an attorney, in good-standing with the bar, Think quick, Call Blick! call

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