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Author Archives: Blick Law Firm
Does filing bankruptcy cover medical debt?
Rising health care costs and the financial situations you may face leads many to medical expenses that can quickly escalate into piles of debt. With more employers cutting insurance contributions, the demand on medical consumers only increases.
Luckily for debtors burdened with medical bills, medical debt is considered an unsecured debt by the bankruptcy courts, and may possibly be discharged in a Chapter 7 bankruptcy.
Researchers from Harvard Medical School and Ohio University conducted a survey of personal bankruptcy filers for 2007 and found that nearly two-thirds of petitions filed personal bankruptcy because of medical-related debts. Of those, nearly 80 percent had health insurance.
Not only can unexpected illnesses bring on bills but the prolonged effects of illness or injury can be loss of work and less income to pay off those bills.
Medical bankruptcy is an especially complex issue, and should be sought for council before proceeding by a Tampa bankruptcy attorney that can help you during your financial hardship. To learn more about your options to discharge medical debt, contact attorney Michael Blickensderfer of Blick Law Firm and ask about our consultation services today! 813-931-0840.
Posted in Bankruptcy, Blog
Tagged abogados tampa, attorney michael blickensderfer, bancarrota tampa, blick law firm, can you file bankruptcy on medical bills, carrollwood attorney, carrollwood law firm, christian lawyer, file bankruptcy, filing bankruptcy in florida, filing chapter 7 bankruptcy, filing for bankruptcy, filing for medical bankruptcy, florida marine attorney, how often can you file bankruptcy, medical bankruptcy, tampa christian attorney, when filing bankruptcy
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DUI conviction remains on your record for life!
No one can drink alcohol and still drive safely. Drinking and driving causes accidents and deaths every day and therefore the penalties in Florida are tough.
If you drink and drive the result may be:
- Jail time
- Loss of your Florida drivers’ license
- Heavy fines
- Increased auto insurance rates
A conviction will stay on your Florida driving record for life.
If it is going to stay on your record, why hire a DUI criminal attorney? While the conviction can not be dismissed, a DUI attorney advocates on behalf of the client for a better outcome, which will impact life as it relates to school, work, insurance rates, etc.
Florida has a Zero Tolerance law for drivers under 21. This means that any driver under 21 that is stopped by law enforcement and has a blood alcohol level of .02 or higher will automatically have their Florida drivers’ license suspended for 6 months. The .02 limit really means that you cannot have a single drink and then drive.
For drivers over 21 the legal limit in Florida is .08. Regardless of your age be aware that drinking and driving is a serious offense. Below summarizes the penalties in the state of Florida for a first offense DUI.
Florida Penalties for DUI First Conviction:
- Fine – $250 to $500
- Community Service – 50 Hours
- Probation – Not more than 1 Year
- Imprisonment – Not more than 6 Months
- Imprisonment with BAL of .08 or higher with a minor in the vehicle, not more than 9 months
- License Revocation – Minimum of 180 days
- DUI School – 12 Hours
For more information regarding Florida DUI conviction’s penalties and seeking legal representation to better the outcome of your situation, contact Blick Law Firm today! 813-931-0840.
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Tagged abogados tampa, blick law firm, carrollwood, carrollwood attorney, christian attorney, christian law firm, christian lawyer, criminal defense attorneys, criminal defense lawyer, criminal defense lawyers, dui attorney, DUI attorneys, dui defense attorneys, dui first offense, dui in florida, dui penalties in florida, florida dui attorney, penalties for dui, penalties for dui in florida, punishment for dui, tampa christian lawyer, tampa dui attorney, tampa dui attorneys
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PIP Law Changes Affect $10,000 Coverage in an Auto Accident
Thank you for watching Minute with Mike, free legal advice answered by attorney Michael C. Blickensderfer every Wednesday at Noon.
Blick law Firm is a local Tampa Bay legal firm specializing in personal injury, criminal, bankruptcy and real estate law all across the state of Florida.
In recent Legislation news, the Personal Injury Protection (PIP) law was recently changed to ensure auto accident victims seek medical treatment quickly to qualify for full insurance coverage.
Florida’s PIP insurance law as adopted by House Bill 119 now requires those injured from an auto accident to seek medical treatment within 14 days of their injury.
If an accident victim does not seek treatment within the 14-day window, they will loose access to full PIP coverage.
The practical effect of these changes will be to limit most PIP claims to only $2,500 in benefits, as most auto accidents involve soft tissue cases not falling under the “emergency medical condition” definition. Everyone is required to obtain and pay for the $10,000 in PIP coverage, but the insurance companies will limit claims to $2,500, resulting in a windfall to the insurance companies and an injustice to the policy holder/ accident victim.
For further information regarding PIP Law changes in Florida please visit our website at or call 813-931-0840.
Posted in Minute with Mike
Tagged accident law firm, attorney law firm, blick law firm, florida law firm, free legal advice, injury law firm, minute with mike, personal injury attorney, personal injury attorneys, real estate attorney, real estate law, tampa law firm, tampa personal injury attorney
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Common soft tissue injuries from an auto accident
The most common result of personal injury from an auto accident are neck and back injuries. Because muscles and ligaments in the back and neck go into shock during the accident there is unnecessary pain creating the necessity for continuous medical expenses including doctor visits, prescriptions and physical therapy.
The frequent treatments and remedies needed to recover from these injuries will take place over six to eight week period. In addition, there are numerous side effects the patient will endure including:
- chronic pain
- sleepless nights
- headaches
- diminished sex life
- inability to lift heavy things
- depression
Failure to seek treatment for such injuries will result in symptoms persisting. Accident victims have legal rights including the right to pursue compensation for medical expenses.
Also recent legislative news, the Personal Injury Protection (PIP) law was recently changed to ensure auto accident victims seek medical treatment quickly to qualify for full insurance coverage.
Florida’s PIP insurance law as adopted by House Bill 119 now requires those injured from an auto accident to seek medical assistance within 14 days of their injury.
With current soft tissue injuries resulting from an auto accident and these new changes in the law it is imperative to seek legal council after an auto accident to maximize your recovery and receive protection from insurance companies.
Call Attorney Michael Blickensderfer who has over 25 years legal experience. As a former prosecutor and a former Marine, he will fight for your rights and defend your claim. call 813-931-0840 today!
Posted in Blog, Personal Injury
Tagged accident attorneys, attorney auto accident, auto accident attorney, auto accident attorneys, auto accident injuries, auto accident injury, auto accident lawyer, auto accident lawyers, auto accident personal injury, auto injury lawyer, blick law firm, carrollwood attorney, carrollwood law firm, FL PIP law, Gov scott PIP law, lawyer auto accident, lawyer for auto accident, michael c blickensderfer, Personal injury protection, soft tissue injury
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Can I sue a company for Personal Injury?
Thank you for watching Minute with Mike, free legal advice answered by attorney Michael C. Blickensderfer every Wednesday at Noon.
Blick law Firm is a local Tampa Bay legal firm specializing in personal injury, criminal, bankruptcy and real estate law all across the state of Florida.
The owner, Michael C. Blickensderfer has 25 years legal experience in Florida, New York and New Jersey. Blick Law Firms practice areas include criminal law, DUI/ Traffic, real estate transactions, loan modifications, short sales, foreclosure defense, bankruptcy, title insurance and real estate litigation.
We also serve clients in personal injury, including auto accidents, motorcycle accidents, slip and falls premises liability, dog bites, marine and aviation accidents and wrongful death.
For further information on this video visit Blick Law Firm on YouTube.
Posted in Minute with Mike
Tagged "blick law firm" "minute with mike" "free legal advice" "tampa personal injury attorney" "accident lainjury law firm, attorney law firm, florida law firm, personal injury attorney, personal injury attorneys, real estate attorney, real estate law, tampa law firm
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Por qué contratar a un abogado de bienes raíces?
En el pasado, se pensaba que un agente inmobiliario era la única persona que se necesitaba para la venta de su propiedad. Una tercera persona, tan necesaria como el agente inmobiliario, es un abogado de bienes raíces. Mientras tu agente puede asistirte con la logística de venta/compra, junto con la negociación del precio y fecha del cierre, Michael Blickensderfer puede revisar cualquier oferta que usted haga o reciba y asegurarse que sus derechos y deberes sean protegidos.
Usted y Michael pueden discutir y llegar a un acuerdo con respecto a cuanto usted desea que el este envuelto en la transacción y los precios/cargos serán expuestos antes de cualquier decisión final.
Si compra una propiedad, Michael puede:
- Ayudarlo a entender el contrato de venta y compra, incluyendo como a usted le gustaría tomar titulo de la propiedad.
- Verificar que no haya deudas o problemas registrados contra la propiedad que impida el uso de ella.
- Preparar y registrar todos los documentos legales.
- Clarificar los términos de la hipoteca y trabajar con el banco, si es necesario modificarlos.
- Inspeccionar los ajustes, incluyendo los impuestos que se deben y costos de utilidad pagados, antes del cierre.
- Revisar e inspeccionar el cierre y los documentos que usted debe firmar.
- Manejar el seguro de titulo para protegerlo de pérdidas debido a problemas con el título de propiedad.
- Asegurarse que usted reciba una registración valida de su propiedad sujeto a las obligaciones que usted aceptó.
Si usted vende su casa, Michael puede:
- Revisar o preparar el contrato de venta y compra, incluyendo la negociación y términos.
- Preparar el titulo y poder, si es necesario.
- Trabajar con los asuntos/problemas del título y ayudar a corregirlos.
- Revisar e inspeccionar el cierre y todos los documentos que usted debe firmar.
- Arreglar la transferencia de depósitos de seguridad.
- Manejar los certificados de seguro, si es necesario.
Otros servicios reclaman que pueden hacer todo el trabajo legal por usted pero cuando se refiere a bienes raíces no es el momento de ahorrar algo de dinero o “hacerlo usted mismo”. Michael conoce todos los estándares que se deben llevar a cabo. Aunque muchos documentos de bienes raíces son similares, el acuerdo/contrato de venta y compra pueden variar de acuerdo al estado/lugar.
Aun más, algunas compañías de titulo y bancos requieren el uso de un abogado para asegurarse que el titulo este correcto, no haya obligaciones en contra de la propiedad y la transacción se complete.
Si usted está listo para hacer o aceptar una oferta de una propiedad llame a Blick Law Firm hoy y hable con uno de nuestros miembros del equipo de bienes raíces. Usted todavía puede firmar la oferta con la seguridad que Michael lo ayudara.