Process of Purchasing a Home

A Real Estate Closing is the final step of the home purchase process, whereby the buyer and seller sign the papers to transfer the ownership of the home. In order to complete this final phase of the purchase process, it is important to understand the timeline of requirements that take place leading up to the Closing.

First, a buyer must open an escrow account with a neutral third party, whereby the buyer provides earnest money to be held in consideration of the purchase in order to demonstrate good-faith that the buyer fully intends on completing the sale.

Following the opening on an escrow account the buyer then needs to take the necessary steps to protect their interest in the home. These steps include:

  • Completing a Title search
  • Purchasing Title Insurance
  • Completing a Home inspection and Pest inspection
  • Negotiating the Closing costs; and
  • Locking the interest rate of the mortgage.

These steps are important in the completion of any Real Estate transaction, and many times it is important for the buyer to seek legal counsel prior to moving forward with the purchase process. An experienced real estate attorney can provide professional legal advice, and interpret the very complicated language involved in most Closing documents. The attorney is also capable of identifying potential problems with your purchase documentation, and can save you the hassle of dealing with unexpected complications that may arise during the Real Estate purchase process.

If you or a loved one is considering purchasing a home and need advice on what to expect, call Blick Law Firm today at (813) 931-0840. Schedule a free 15-minute consultation with attorney Michael Blickensderfer. Think quick, call Blick!

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