I read an interesting article this morning in the news regarding motorcycle law and the federal safety’s push to make motorcycle helmets mandatory while riding.
Over the last decade, safety officials claim that motorcycle crashes have risen. 4,400 bikers in the U.S. died last year alone, due to head injuries. Federal safety officials want to reduce the current increase in head injury accidents; implementing forceful actions to wear helmets in all 50 states might be one way to go.
Many bikers find this not to be the answer. Helmets can be helpful, yes, but it can also cause restrictions while riding. According to some, helmets can do more harm then good and a helmet can actually make it tough to see and hear while on the road.
Currently, in Florida if you are 20 years old or younger bikers are required to wear a helmet. 20 states require all motorcycles to wear a helmet. Only Iowa, Illinois and New Hampshire have no restrictions.
Do you think a change to the laws in many states, including Florida, would help reduce the number of motorcyclists killed in crashes?