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Monthly Archives: May 2011
10 dumb things you do at the doctor’s office
(CNN) — As much as she would like to, Dr. Lissa Rankin, a gynecologist, will never forget the woman who planned her wedding while lying naked on her examining table. “Every 15 seconds, her cell phone was going off, and she was answering it!” Rankin recalls. “It was like, ‘That’s not the cake I ordered,’ and, ‘No, it’s the other gown,’ and I said to her, ‘Is this a bad time? Should I come back later?’
” The bride may have been doing great things for her wedding, but she was sabotaging her own care — and it was a really important visit, as she was newly pregnant. Talking on your cell phone in the examining room, forgetting what medicines you take and lying to your doctor about your personal health habits are all ways of compromising your health.
“The doctor-patient relationship is like a business partnership,” Rankin says. “We need to work together. Trust me to guide you but be willing to do your part.” From interviews with a gynecologist, a cardiologist, a rehabilitative medicine specialist, a fertility doctor and an internist, here are the Top 10 things patients do to mess up their own care.
1. You talk on your cell phone. This is your health we’re talking about. Other calls can wait. Turn the thing off.
2. You lie. “I need to treat you the best way I can, so if you’re gay, tell me. If you drink a bottle of tequila every night, I need to know. If you’re having an affair and not using condoms, let me know,” says Rankin, who blogs at “Owning Pink.” “I promise I won’t judge you.”
3. You do a sloppy job describing your pain. Is it stabbing or burning? Sudden or constant? Tingling or hot? The answers will help your doctor make the right diagnosis. “You should describe the exact location, how intense the pain was, what provoked it and how long it lasted,” says Dr. Nieca Goldberg, director of the New York University Women’s Heart Program. The week before your appointment, keep a diary of your pain and your other symptoms, too, advises Dr. Loren Fishman, a clinical professor of rehabilitative medicine at Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons. He suggests using this time to also think about the questions you want to ask your doctor and what you hope to get out of your appointment.
4. You don’t state up front all the reasons for your visit. If your ear hurts, your knee pops out when you run and you have a sty in your eye, state all three concerns at the beginning of the appointment so your doctor can plan your visit efficiently, advises Dr. Howard Beckman, an internist and clinical professor of medicine at the University of Rochester.
5. You don’t state up front your expectations for your visit. If you have certain hopes or expectations — the doctor will pop that sty in your eye or prescribe antibiotics for your sore ear — say so. The doctor can then explain if your expectations are realistic, and you’ll be happier in the end. “Sometimes patients are out of proportion to what the reality is, like the 44-year-old woman who hopes to get pregnant in one IVF cycle,” says Dr. Jamie Grifo, program director of the New York University Fertility Center. “If they don’t communicate their expectations, then I can’t address them.”
6. You don’t know what medications you’re taking. “Patients should bring a list of medications they’re actually taking, not what they believe they are supposed to be taking, or what they think I want them to take,” Beckman advises. If you take supplements, Rankin suggests you bring them in, since supplements aren’t standardized like prescription drugs, and your doctor will want to see all the ingredients.
7. You leave with unspoken questions and concerns. If a question’s in your head, ask it, even if you think the doctor is rushed. If you’re worried your headache might be a brain tumor, say it even if you think you sound like a hypochondriac.
8. You don’t bring your medical records or images with you. Yes, even in this day and age, many doctors rely on the fax machine to send medical records to and fro. Faxes goof up, so unless you absolutely, positively know your doctor has your records and images from another office, bring them with you, doctors advise.
9. You’re too scared to disagree with your doctor. If your doctor suggests you need an antidepressant and you don’t want to take it, say so instead of nodding your head, taking the prescription and throwing it away the minute you’re out the door. Or if she suggests a medication you can’t afford, just say so. “I know many of you are programmed not to question your doctor, but we can’t read your mind, so we need you to communicate,” Rankin says. “If the treatment plan I suggest doesn’t resonate with the intuitive wisdom of your Inner Healer, please tell me, instead of ignoring what I suggest.”
10. You don’t comply with the treatment plan. For doctors, this is the granddaddy of them all. If you’ve followed all the advice above, you should have a treatment plan that makes sense to you and one you’re able to execute. “Please follow through and do what you’ve agreed to do,” Rankin says. “And if you don’t, please tell me so I don’t mistakenly assume the treatment failed. I won’t jump all over you. I just need to know.”
Posted in Health, Personal Injury
Tagged personal injury attorney tampa, tampa personal injury attorney
Attention all Motorcycle Riders! Is your ride endorsed?
If you wish to operate any two or three wheel motorcycle, whose engine is more than 50 cc, you are required to have a motorcycle endorsement on your driver license or a motorcycle-only license.
- Why do I need to be endorsed?
Title XXIII – Motor Vehicles Chapter 322 – Drivers’ Licenses / 322.03 Drivers must be licensed; penalties.–
(1) Except as otherwise authorized in this chapter, a person may not drive any motor vehicle upon a highway in this state unless such person has a valid driver’s license issued under this chapter.
(a) A person who drives a commercial motor vehicle may not receive a driver’s license unless and until he or she surrenders to the department all driver’s licenses in his or her possession issued to him or her by any other jurisdiction or makes an affidavit that he or she does not possess a driver’s license. Any such person who fails to surrender such licenses or who makes a false affidavit concerning such licenses commits a misdemeanor of the first degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083.
(b) All surrendered licenses may be returned by the department to the issuing jurisdiction together with information that the licensee is now licensed in a new jurisdiction or may be destroyed by the department, which shall notify the issuing jurisdiction of such destruction. A person may not have more than one valid driver’s license at any time.
(c) Part-time residents of this state issued a license that is valid within this state only under paragraph (b) as that paragraph existed before November 1, 2009, may continue to hold such license until the next issuance of a Florida driver’s license or identification card. Licenses that are identified as “Valid in Florida Only” may not be issued or renewed effective November 1, 2009. This paragraph expires June 30, 2017.
- How do I become endorsed?
It is simple.
1. All riders must have a regular Class E operator’s driver license.
2. Complete basic motorcycle safety course.
3. Go to a drivers license office or tax collector’s office that issues driver licenses and inform them that you completed the course to receive your endorsement.
4. Cost: $7.00 endorsement fee, plus a license fee (see fees for original, renewals, duplicates, and replacement license), and $6.25 if applying at a county tax collector office.
The Department’s Florida Rider Training Program has a wealth of information on motorcycle safety and proper licensure. For more information, check out Florida Rider Training Program website. Also information on where to find approved sponsors who teach the course can be found here.
- What happens if I do not become endorsed today?
**Please note that anyone driving a motorcycle without an endorsement is violating the law! You at the risk of being convicted for a criminal offense that is punishable with jail time. Don’t go into this alone, get a Tampa motorcycle attorney that can get you the best outcome possible in this situation. Think quick, call Blick!
Blick Law Firm Announces Free DUI GPS Alerts on Your Phone
Blick Law Firm announces DUI campaign to help promote safe driving and awareness about the saturated DUI check points throughout the bay area.
Going out at night? You do not expect to get pulled over. Before going out, Blick Law Firm offers a new campaign to stay off the road and avoid saturated DUI checkpoints.
“Using social media, such as Facebook and Twitter, we plan to release public access information the county provides and keep our clients up-to-date with the current DUI checkpoints on weekends, said Jennifer Dawson, DUI paralegal at Blick Law Firm.”
“Following us will allow you to get easy access to stops in the bay area while you are out, directly from your phone.”
This concept will be easily accessible through Blick Law Firm: Facebook and Twitter accounts. Look for the slogan ‘DUI GPS’ during the weekends and on holidays.
Sample Campaign Text: Going out tonight? Starting next week be sure to follow our updates every weekend so we can inform you of saturated DUI check points throughout the bay area. Make the safe choice, don’t drink and drive. Make sure to follow the DUI GPS!
For more information regarding our new program, check out our Facebook fan page or contact Dana at 813-931-0840!
** To make sure you make it home safely keep your options open with Tampa taxi services: (813) 253-0121. Don’t drink and drive!
Boaters concerned about problematic St. Pete ramp
Boaters in St. Petersburg who are heading out for a day on the water may find themselves with a rocky start.
One of the city’s most popular boat ramps has a few problems. City officials said fixes are on the way for the Maximo Park boat ramp, but boaters wonder if that help will come soon enough.
Boat dealer Rob Creemer is in and out of the ramp testing boats several times a week, and he’s experienced the ramp’s hazards several time.
“The board I stepped on wasn’t nailed down,” he said. “I didn’t realize it. Popped up, hit me in the head. I fell over backwards into the water.”
Boaters said the trouble is even greater in the water. A piece of exposed rebar is blamed for damaging dozens of trailer tires in the southernmost stall.
Trailer repairman A.W. Simpson said he’s done some brisk business at the ramp recently.
“We’ve done 10 repairs down here replacing people’s tires,” he said.