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Foreclosure Defense Tampa

Foreclosure is the process by which a lender attempts to recover the unpaid balance of a loan after the borrower discontinues payments. Foreclosure allows the lender to force a sale of the home in order to satisfy the remaining balance of the loan.

In Florida, if you have received a foreclosure summons complaint, you have 20 days to answer in order to avoid a default judgment being issued against you. Once your home is threatened by foreclosure, it is important to seek legal advice and explore what options may be available.

It is important to seek legal advice from an experienced foreclosure attorney prior to filing an appropriate answer to a foreclosure summons. The answer to a foreclosure summons can be the difference between quickly losing your home to a default judgment or maintaining and keeping your home for an extended period.

If your property becomes subject to foreclosure, here are some potential remedies to discuss with an experienced attorney:

  • Reinstatement – To avoid the completion of the foreclosure process, you may be able to reinstate the loan by making payments on the past due amount. Generally, the lender will be cooperative if you bring your account up to date, or demonstrate that you now have the means to catch up on the past due payments.
  • Mortgage Modification – The lender may be willing to modify the terms of the mortgage. Modification of the agreement may involve adding payments to the end of the mortgage and simply extend the term of the loan. Modification of the mortgage agreement may also be made by reducing the interest rate of the original Mortgage Agreement, and it could include partial forgiveness of the amount of money you owe.
  • Forbearance Plan – As a borrower you may be able to file a forbearance plan with your mortgage provider. Under this arrangement, the lender will agree not to pursue the foreclosure action; but, the lender will likely require proof of adequate means to satisfy the repayment on the loan. This is generally a viable option if you have encountered a temporary setback such as poor health or loss of employment.
  • Deed in Lieu of Foreclosure – You may also deed the home back to the mortgage provider if the lender agrees to accept a Deed in Lieu of Foreclosure. The lender will take back the property and cancel the remaining debt. You will be unable to keep your home, but avoid foreclosure and minimize the detriment to your credit score.
  • Short SaleTo avoid foreclosure, you may also be able to sell your home for less money than the amount owed. A short sale can be completed by finding a buyer willing to pay current market value to purchase the home and have the mortgage provider agree to the sale. Any shortage after the sale will then either is written off by the lender and an IRS 1099 is issued to the seller, or a deficiency remains which the lender may pursue to collect against the seller.

Foreclosure continues to be a growing problem in Florida, and if it happens to you, the worst thing to do is ignore it.

If you or a loved one are being threatened by Foreclosure or have legal questions regarding any potential legal remedies, call Blick Law Firm today at (813) 931-0840. Schedule a free 15-minute consultation with attorney Michael Blickensderfer to see what your legal rights are in defending a foreclosure action.

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Probate: What is a Will? … and do I need one?

A Will is a legal document that provides direction for how a decedent intends to distribute their assets upon their death. Many times, people avoid considering the different options available through the probate process out of a fear of thinking about their own death.

A person without a will at the time of death is said to have died intestate. When a person dies intestate, the State will then follow the intestacy guidelines governing how to distribute intestate assets to heirs based on relation and bloodline.

Realistically, executing a Will for the disposition of one’s assets is an important part of planning the future of your estate; as it is always better to have your intentions for the disposition of your assets to be memorialized in an executed Will, rather than have the State determine the disposition of your assets. Probate is the process of identifying and gathering the assets of the deceased person, paying their debts, and distributing the assets to his or her beneficiaries.

Many considerations must be made prior to setting forth the distribution of one’s assets following their death, and often times other legal documents are more suitable for particular situations. It is important to discuss your situation with an experienced attorney, and determine what is best for you be it a Will or Trust instrument.

If you or a loved have concerns or questions about the future of your estate, call Blick Law Firm today. Schedule a free 15-minute consultation with attorney Michael Blickensderfer. Think quick, call Blick!

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Driving with License Suspended

Everyday Florida drivers get behind the wheel unaware that their driving privilege has been suspended, cancelled, or revoked. Law enforcement officers make daily arrests for driving with a suspended license which can lead to complications when trying to reinstate your driving privilege.

In Florida, it is a criminal traffic offense if a driver operates a motor vehicle with knowledge that their driver’s license is cancelled, suspended, or revoked. The following charges may result from Driving with a Suspended License with knowledge of the suspension:

(1) First conviction is a second degree misdemeanor;

(2) Second conviction is a first degree misdemeanor;

(3) Third, or subsequent conviction, is a third degree felony and possible jail time may have to be served.

It is important to know that multiple infractions of Driving with a Suspended License can lead to very serious consequences, and drivers with repeated violations can become listed as a Habitual Traffic Offender.

The penalty of driving with your license suspended, whether you have knowledge or not, can be serious and generally lead to complications with your future driving privilege.

If you or a loved one have been arrested or issued a citation for driving with a suspended license, call Blick Law Firm today at (813) 931-0840. Schedule a free 15-minute consultation with attorney Michael Blickensderfer.

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Bankruptcy: Chapter 13

When considering Bankruptcy, a Chapter 7 filing is a useful way to discharge of most debt and can relieve the burden of creditor collection attempts. However, many times a debtor has equity in a home or property and would like to file for Bankruptcy but not surrender their home. In these cases, a debtor can reaffirm the debt for the particular property they would like to maintain and keep making the payments, or file for Chapter 13 Bankruptcy which allows the debtor to reorganize the debt into a consolidated and more manageable payment.

Chapter 13 Bankruptcy gives the debtor an opportunity to manage their debt over a period of 3 to 5 years and still maintain the rights to both exempt and non-exempt property. This is particularly useful when the debtor has a large amount of equity in the home or property. Chapter 13 also helps by reducing payments on debts that cannot be discharged by Chapter 7, such as Student Loans; additionally, Chapter 13 helps avoid wage garnishment, delays the foreclosure process on the home, protects co-signers, and allows for an overall extension on the repayment term of most debts.

However, the decision to declare Bankruptcy also comes with consequences. The disadvantages of filing Chapter 13 include:

  • Credit reports will show a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy filing for 7 years
  • The debtor will receive high interest rates on future credit
  • The debtor will have a strict budget in place in order to ensure the reorganized debt payments
  • Legal representation fees tend to be higher, plus added court costs

If you are having trouble meeting your debt obligations, consult an experienced Tampa Bankruptcy attorney to discuss your options.

Call Blick Law Firm today at 813-931-0840. Make an appointment for a free 15 minute consultation with Michael Blickensderfer to see if Bankruptcy is right for you.

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Las Consecuencias en Conducir Debajo de la Influencia

Sobre una base diaria, conductores de la Florida reciben DUI y consecuencias evidentes y ocultas de cara que pueden tener un amplio alcance personal del impacto. Cuando una persona es acusada de un DUI, las consecuencias pueden incluir:

Suspensión de la licencia

Drásticos aumentos de seguros; especialmente cuando sea necesario para obtener cobertura de seguro de FR-44

Complicaciones con el empleo; presente y futuro

Limitaciones que requieren gastos adicionales como un dispositivo de dispositivo de seguridad instalado en su vehículo por un período de 6 meses, 1 año, o incluso 2 años, dependiendo de su situación de conducción

Libertad condicional

Honorarios y costas judiciales

Estas consecuencias contribuyen a una multitud de dificultades que uno caras cuando luchando contra un cargo de DUI. Es importante comprender y apreciar la gravedad de posibles consecuencias asociadas con DUI y siempre tomar todas las medidas posibles para evitar conducir bajo la influencia.

DUI o Conducir bajo la influencia, generalmente se refiere a una persona que tiene control físico de un vehículo mientras se deterioran facultades normales de esa persona por cualquier tipo de droga, incluyendo el alcohol, drogas ilícitas e incluso de medicamento. Por lo tanto, si están bajo la influencia de drogas que no sean de alcohol y en control físico efectivo de un vehículo, usted puede todavía potencialmente cargarse con un DUI.

En Florida, un nivel de alcohol en sangre de.08 o más constituye impedimento de alcohol más allá del límite legal. Sin embargo, un oficial de policía puede todavía arrestarte por una menor concentración de alcohol de la sangre (BAC) Si sospechan que sus facultades normales se deterioran mientras conduce un vehículo de motor. Tener una BAC bajo un.08 aumentará sus posibilidades de superar la convicción de DUI, pero usted todavía puede ser arrestado y soportar varias molestias que van junto con la lucha contra el cargo de DUI.

Policías detenerse Controladores para una serie de infracciones de tránsito, incluso los menores e iniciar conversación inmediata para determinar el potencial deterioro del conductor. Evaluar los signos de deterioro, policía buscará la habilidad de mantener contacto con los ojos, trastornos del habla, el olor de alcohol en el aliento del conductor, u ojos inyectados de sangre.

Sabe que su comportamiento una vez que usted está tirado encima es ser examinada inmediatamente, especialmente cuando tiró tarde en la noche o después de salir de un bar. Por lo tanto, ser Cortés, respondiendo preguntas respetuosamente y no hacer argumentos jurídicos está en su mejor interés.

Si bien es su derecho a no responder a cualquier pregunta sin un abogado presente, no hacerlo sin duda levantará suspicacia del oficial y probablemente será investigar más a fondo. Es aconsejable contestar preguntas vagamente y evitar ahondar en detalles, incluyendo cualquier cantidad de alcohol que ha consumido o que usted acaba de dejar un partido, la barra o el juego de fútbol.

Si la policía sospecha, dirán que salga del vehículo, o es preciso. Sin embargo, usted puede negarse a someterse a las pruebas de sobriedad que llevó a cabo. Aunque creas que puede pasar a los ejercicios de sobriedad, es probable que en su mejor interés para rechazar educadamente porque el oficial determina si pasaste basado únicamente en su propio juicio. Sabe que siempre tiene el derecho a comunicarse con un abogado antes de someter a cualquier prueba.

Si usted es acusado de DUI, es importante buscar a asesoría legal inmediatamente! Llame a Blick Law Firm en 813-931-0840. Hacer una cita para una consulta gratis de 15 minutos con el abogado Michael Blickensderfer para determinar lo que sus opciones de seguir adelante.


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Bienes raíces: 5 pasos importantes de cierre a seguir

Un cierre de bienes raíces es el último paso del proceso de compra de una vivienda, por el que el comprador y el vendedor firman los papeles para transferir la propiedad de la casa. Para completar esta fase final del proceso de compra, es importante entender la cronología de los requisitos que se realizan previos al cierre.

En primer lugar, un comprador debe abrir una cuenta de fideicomiso con una tercera parte neutral, por el que el comprador ofrece Arras que se celebrará en la consideración de la compra con el fin de demostrar la buena fe que el comprador completamente pretende completar la venta.

Tras la apertura de una cuenta de depósito en garantía, el comprador necesita entonces  tomar 5 medidas necesarias para proteger su interés en la página de inicio. Estos cinco pasos son los siguientes:

  • Completar una búsqueda de título
  • Compra de un seguro de título
  • Completar una inspección de la casa y la inspección de plagas
  • Negociar los costos de cierre; y
  • Fijación de la tasa de interés de la hipoteca.

Estos pasos son importantes en la realización de cualquier operación inmobiliaria, y muchas veces es importante para el comprador buscar a asesoría legal antes de seguir adelante con el proceso de compra. Un experimentado abogado de bienes raíces puede proporcionar asesoramiento jurídico profesional e interpretar el lenguaje muy complicado en la mayoría de cierre los documentos. El abogado también es capaz de identificar posibles problemas con la documentación de compra y puede ahorrarle la molestia de tratar con las complicaciones inesperadas que puedan surgir durante el proceso de compra de bienes raíces .

Si usted o un ser querido está considerando la compra de una vivienda y necesita asesoramiento sobre qué esperar, llame a Blick Law Firm al (813) 931-0840. Para una consulta gratis de 15 minutos con el abogado Michael Blickensderfer. Piensa rápido, llame a Blick!

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