Tag Archives: bankruptcy attorneys tampa

Bankruptcy: Secured vs. Unsecured Debt

Many people, when going through Bankruptcy, have common questions about the different terms encountered while going through the Bankruptcy process. Understanding the difference between Unsecured and Secured Debt can be confusing, and it is important to be well informed when considering whether or not to file for Bankruptcy.

Secured Debt is debt that has a security interest or collateral tied to the agreement, whereby creditors can repossess or foreclose on the collateral if the debtor fails to pay back the loan. Common examples of Secured Debt are home mortgages or car loans; in the event the debtor cannot pay the amount owed, the loan is secured by the ability of the creditor to repossess the home or the car.

On the other hand, unsecured debt is debt that has no collateral attached to the agreement. Instead, unsecured creditors generally rely on your credit score and issue credit based on good faith that you will repay the amount loaned. Common examples of unsecured debt are credit card bills, medical bills, and utilities bills.

Upon filing for Bankruptcy, most Unsecured Debt is discharged with the exception of Student Loans, Child Support and Alimony Payments, Court Fines, DUI judgments against the debtor, and debts incurred by Fraud. The discharge of unsecured debt is a primary benefit of filing for Bankruptcy, and comes along with an Automatic Stay against creditors pursuing their collection efforts.

Understand that filing for Bankruptcy is a complex process with important benefits, consequences, and alternatives to consider. In the event you are considering Bankruptcy, call Blick Law Firm today for help at (813) 931-0840. Schedule a free 15 minute consultation with attorney Michael Blickensderfer. Think quick, call Blick!

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Filing Bankruptcy After the Holidays

With the Holidays quickly approaching, many people are becoming mindful of the expenses related to purchasing gifts for loved ones and even splurging on deals for themselves on Black Friday. It is important to remember, especially for those in financial hardship to spend responsibly; and for people who are considering Bankruptcy it is even more important to be aware that debt accrued over the holidays may not be dischargeable through Bankruptcy.

If a creditor can prove that credit card charges over the Holidays were made fraudulently with the intent to file Bankruptcy afterward, the debt may survive the Bankruptcy. Generally, the Bankruptcy court will look to see the state of the finances when the charges were made and the nature of the purchases to determine whether Bankruptcy was imminent and the charges were made with the intent to file Bankruptcy.

Many people utilize bankruptcy as a strategy for resolving unmanageable debt. Today, it is more common than most realize and can be a refreshing solution to a debt-ridden life.

When considering Bankruptcy, a Chapter 7 filing is a useful way to discharge of most debt and can relieve the burden of creditor collection attempts. Chapter 7 Bankruptcy is generally available when the debtor has little property aside from the basic necessities like furniture and clothing; and the debtor has difficulty making payments on basic expenses, or has very little money left after doing so.

The advantage to filing Chapter 7 Bankruptcy is that your unsecured debt is completely eliminated, the process is fairly quick, and the automatic stay that takes place after filing prohibits creditors from making collection efforts.

It is important to be aware that while Chapter 7 Bankruptcy may ultimately relieve a debtor of the burden of insurmountable unsecured debt, it is a process that requires the production of several documents and tedious preparation. The more prepared the debtor is, the more seamless the process becomes.

No matter what your situation is, obtaining quality legal consultation from an experienced bankruptcy attorney is beneficial. Contact Blick Law Firm today at (813) 931-0840. Schedule a free 15 minute consultation with attorney Michael Blickensderfer to assess what option is best for you. Think quick, call Blick!

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What is Bankruptcy?!

Bankruptcy is a complex area of law and involves many considerations, including whether to file, determining which type of Bankruptcy to file, the use of exemptions, understanding the protections of the Bankruptcy Code and using them to your advantage.

Available Bankruptcy claim types vary depending on your particular position, and understanding the differences is important.

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy is a liquidation proceeding whereby the debtor turns over all non-exempt property to the bankruptcy trustee who then converts it to cash to pay off the creditors. Usually, within four months the debtor then receives a discharge of all dischargeable debts. These dischargeable debts include your credit card debt, old medical bills, utilities bills, unsecured loans, pay day loans, and most other types of unsecured debt.

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy is generally available when the debtor has little property aside from the basic necessities like furniture and clothing; and the debtor has difficulty making payments on basic expenses, or has very little money left after doing so.

The advantage to filing Chapter 7 Bankruptcy is that your unsecured debt is completely eliminated, the process is fairly quick, and the automatic stay that takes place after filing prohibits creditors from making collection efforts.

Chapter 13 Bankruptcy is more of a reorganization process that is available to debtors who have significant equity in a home or other property and want to keep it, or maintain a regular income but simply can’t keep up with the scheduled payments on their debts. Chapter 13 Bankruptcy allows the debtor to restructure the debt to have it paid off over a period of three to five years.

The advantage to filing Chapter 13 Bankruptcy is that you can maintain your property while spreading out the payments, you will have three to five years to catch up on delinquent accounts, and during that time you will make only one monthly payment to the bankruptcy trustee for payment to all creditors involved.

No matter what your situation is, obtaining quality legal consultation from an experienced bankruptcy attorney is beneficial. Contact Blick Law Firm today at (813) 931-0840. Schedule a free 15 minute consultation with attorney Michael Blickensderfer to assess what option is best for you. Think quick, call Blick!

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Bankruptcy: Advantages and Alternatives

Bankruptcy is a complex area of law and involves many considerations, including whether to file, determining which type of Bankruptcy to file, the use of exemptions, understanding the protections of the Bankruptcy Code and using them to your advantage.

Many people utilize bankruptcy as a strategy for resolving unmanageable debt. Today, it is more common than most realize and can be a refreshing solution to a debt-ridden life.

Advantages and alternatives to consider:

Elimination of Debt: The main advantage to filing for bankruptcy is the discharge of most debt. The discharge totally eliminates the obligation to pay many types of debt including your credit card debt, old medical bills, utilities bills, unsecured loans, pay day loans, and most other types of unsecured debt. ***Note: Certain types of debt cannot be avoided by filing for bankruptcy including Student Loans, Child Support and Alimony Payments, Court Fines, DUI judgments against the debtor, and debts incurred by Fraud.

Avoid Creditor Harassment: Once a debtor files for bankruptcy, there is an automatic stay on the collection of debt and most creditors must terminate their collection efforts immediately. The stay is an automatic court order that prohibits all sorts of collection attempts by creditors, and postpones most actions against the debtor, including repossessions, garnishments or attachments, utility shutoffs, foreclosures, and evictions.

Get a Fresh Start: You will be able to pay the things that are important to you, and begin rebuilding your credit in peace!

Alternatives to Consider: Bankruptcy is not the only method of dealing with insurmountable debt, and other methods may be more advantageous for your particular situation. Such alternatives may include an out-of-court settlement with creditors, reduction of payments to creditors, consolidation of debts, or payment of debts by sale of assets or borrowing on assets. However, the availability of these methods varies depending on the severity of your financial difficulties, and also requires cooperation from creditors.

If you are having trouble meeting your debt obligations, consult an experienced Tampa Bankruptcy attorney to discuss your options.

Call Blick Law Firm today at 813-931-0840. Make an appointment for a free 15 minute consultation with Michael Blickensderfer to see if Bankruptcy is right for you.

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Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

Bankruptcy is a complex area of law and involves many considerations, including whether to file, determining which type of Bankruptcy to file, the use of exemptions, understanding the protections of the Bankruptcy Code and using them to your advantage.

Many people utilize bankruptcy as a strategy for resolving unmanageable debt. Today, it is more common than most realize and can be a refreshing solution to a debt-ridden life.

When considering Bankruptcy, a Chapter 7 filing is a useful way to discharge of most debt and can relieve the burden of creditor collection attempts. However, many times a debtor has equity in a home or property and would like to file for Bankruptcy but not surrender their home. In these cases, a debtor can reaffirm the debt for the particular property they would like to maintain and keep making the payments, or file for Chapter 13 Bankruptcy which allows the debtor to reorganize the debt into a consolidated and more manageable payment.

Chapter 13 Bankruptcy gives the debtor an opportunity to manage their debt over a period of 3 to 5 years and still maintain the rights to both exempt and non-exempt property. This is particularly useful when the debtor has a large amount of equity in the home or property. Chapter 13 also helps by reducing payments on debts that cannot be discharged by Chapter 7, such as Student Loans; additionally, Chapter 13 helps avoid wage garnishment, delays the foreclosure process on the home, protects co-signers, and allows for an overall extension on the repayment term of most debts.

However, the decision to declare Bankruptcy also comes with consequences. The disadvantages of filing Chapter 13 include:

  • Credit reports will show a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy filing for 7 years
  • The debtor will receive high interest rates on future credit
  • The debtor will have a strict budget in place in order to ensure the reorganized debt payments
  • Legal representation fees tend to be higher, plus added court costs

If you are having trouble meeting your debt obligations, consult an experienced Tampa Bankruptcy attorney to discuss your options.

Call Blick Law Firm today at 813-931-0840. Make an appointment for a free 15 minute consultation with Michael Blickensderfer to see if Bankruptcy is right for you.

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Secured vs. Unsecured Loans

Many people, when going through Bankruptcy, have common questions about the different terms encountered while going through the Bankruptcy process. Understanding the difference between Unsecured and Secured Debt can be confusing, and it is important to be well informed when considering whether or not to file for Bankruptcy.

Secured Debt is debt that has a security interest or collateral tied to the agreement, whereby creditors can repossess or foreclose on the collateral if the debtor fails to pay back the loan. Common examples of Secured Debt are home mortgages or car loans; in the event the debtor cannot pay the amount owed, the loan is secured by the ability of the creditor to repossess the home or the car.

On the other hand, unsecured debt is debt that has no collateral attached to the agreement. Instead, unsecured creditors generally rely on your credit score and issue credit based on good faith that you will repay the amount loaned. Common examples of unsecured debt are credit card bills, medical bills, and utilities bills.

Upon filing for Bankruptcy, most Unsecured Debt is discharged with the exception of Student Loans, Child Support and Alimony Payments, Court Fines, DUI judgments against the debtor, and debts incurred by Fraud. The discharge of unsecured debt is a primary benefit of filing for Bankruptcy, and comes along with an Automatic Stay against creditors pursuing their collection efforts.

Understand that filing for Bankruptcy is a complex process with important benefits, consequences, and alternatives to consider. In the event you are considering Bankruptcy, call Blick Law Firm today for help at (813) 931-0840. Schedule a free 15 minute consultation with attorney Michael Blickensderfer. Think quick, call Blick!

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