Personal Injury | Insurance Coverage | Property Damage

HIT-AND-RUN, LAW-ENFORCEMENT, CAR-ACCIDENT-LAWYER, CAR-ACCIDENT-ARTICLES, BLICK-LAW-FIRM.3Can I be compensated for injury following an auto accident?! Here are few factors to consider when seeking compensation for pain and suffering in an auto accident:

Insurance Coverage

Personal Injury Claims result from the negligence of one party causing injury to another. Insurance coverage is critical to gauge possible financial recovery in an accident for a personal injury plaintiff. Those who have been injured due to the negligence of another may be subject to an injury case with little to no recovery. Unless the plaintiff’s own insurance policy has Uninsured Motorist (UM) Coverage which provides for payment of certain benefits for damages caused by owners or operators of vehicles that are not insured and that cause injury resulting from an automobile accident. Such benefits include payment for medical expenses, lost wages, and even pain and suffering.

Insurance coverage is vital in helping car accident victims afford the medical care they need and provides assistance in replacing the loss of property incurred when involved in a serious accident.blick-law-firm, tampa-law-firm copy

Florida requires that all automobile owners who register and operate a vehicle must have Florida insurance. In Florida, the mandatory minimum coverage is $10,000 of personal injury protection (PIP) and $10,000 property damage liability (PDL) as long as you have a valid Florida license plate.

While these mandatory minimums are in place, many Florida drivers operate vehicles without any automobile insurance coverage. As a protection against Uninsured Motorists, insurance companies provide Uninsured Motorist Coverage.

As a precaution, it is important for all drivers to consider adding UM coverage to their existing policy to protect themselves and their families from injuries and loss caused in an auto accident by uninsured motorists.

Medical and Property Damages

As soon as you are injured in an auto accident, you should seek immediate medical attention for your injuries including, transport via ambulance and emergency room hospital visit. Injuries sustained in an accident are not to be taken lightly as they may become worse over time and may cause severe life-long damages.

It is important that parties to an accident seek immediate medical attention and the more severe your injuries are, the more likely insurance companies are willing to work with a personal injury attorney to negotiate billing and cover future medical needs.

In other cases, property damage and other damages sustained in an auto accident weighs in the value to the claim and overall recovery for the client.

If you have recently been involved in an auto accident contact a personal injury attorney today to receive a free case evaluation and protect your legal rights. Call 888-973-2776 calltoday!

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