Each year, automobile and motorcycle accidents are a major cause of fatalities nationwide. As a result, it is important to employ all necessary safety measures available to avoid or reduce the risk of serious injury while operating an automobile or motorcycle.
Studies indicate that the use of a safety belt greatly reduces the chance of harm or serious injury when involved in an auto accident, especially when an automobile operator is thrown from the vehicle as a result of impact. In an effort to combat this risk and encourage the use of safety belts, Florida has mandatory safety belt requirements. In Florida:
- Seat belt laws apply to all cars, pickup trucks, and vans operated on Florida roads.
- All passengers in the front seat must wear a seat belt.
- All passengers under 18 must wear a seat belt.
Florida also has mandatory child restraint laws that hold drivers responsible for buckling up children. Specifically, Florida law requires that children 3 years old and younger must be secured in a federally approved child-restraint seat; and children 4 through 5 years old must be secured by either a federally approved child restraint seat or safety belt.
Motorcyclists have even more safety concerns as motorcycle accidents tend to involve more serious injuries and incur a higher rate of fatalities. Additionally, with the rising costs of health care, insurance companies have begun to include exclusion clauses to insurance policies that can deny coverage for risky behavior such as motorcycling. While Florida law does not require the use of motorcycle helmets, research conducted by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration indicates that motorcyclists without a helmet are three times more likely to suffer brain injuries, and that helmets reduce the risk of death by nearly 30 percent when involved in a motorcycle accident.
If you or a loved have been injured in an accident and you have questions or concerns about your rights to recovery, call Blick Law Firm today at (888) 973-2776. Schedule a free 15-minute consultation with attorney Michael Blickensderfer. Think quick, call Blick!