Motorcycle Safety | Personal Injury

Written by: Michaella Radich

Traffic accidents are the leading cause of death and disability in the United States. While 20% of car accidents result in death or injury, a whopping 80% of motorcycle accidents result in death or injury. Additionally, motorcyclists are 16 times more likely per mile traveled than vehicle passengers to die in an accident.Screen Shot 2015-10-08 at 7.28.31 PM

What can you do to prevent motorcycle related injury or death?

As a motorcyclist, there are several precautions you can take to protect yourself while on the road:

  • Complete a rider education and safety course before operating a motorcycle, so that you have the basic knowledge and skills needed to drive a motorcycle
  • Wear a helmet (helmets are 67% effective in preventing serious brain injury)
  • Make yourself visible to drivers by always using headlights and brake lights and wearing reflective gear
  • Wear thick protective clothing that covers your skin
  • Never weave in and out of lanes
  • Give yourself and other motorists enough time and space to react

As a driver, a heightened awareness for motorcyclists on the road can be crucial to their safety and your own. The following are some safety precautions to take when sharing the road:

  • Leave a full car length and full lane’s width between your vehicle and motorcyclists
  • Remember that inclement weather and poor road conditions cause serious threats to motorcyclists’ safety, so their driving patterns may unexpectedly change in these situations
  • Always be on the look out for motorcycles, as they are small and difficult to see
  • Be aware that from your vehicle it is difficult to judge the needed stopping time and distance for a motorcyclists
  • Check your blind spots actively before switching lanes

After a crash, an injured motorcyclists’ life depends on rapid and appropriate emergency medical treatment. Injury severity and timing are critical to the motorcyclist’s survival. If you witness or are involved in an accident involving a motorcycle, dial 911 immediately.

As always, Blick Law Firm has your best interest and personal safety in mind. Should you or a loved one be injured in a auto accident, we are to help. Contact us at (888) 973-2776 to schedule a free consultation with one of our trusted personal injury attorneys today!


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